Exclude and include filters management

Each Akeeba Backup profile has several filters which tell it which files, directories and database tables to exclude. These are called exclusion filters. This is equivalent to the Files and Directories Exclusion, Database Tables Exclusion, RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion (Pro version) and RegEx Database Tables Exclusion (Pro version) pages of the component.

Akeeba Backup Professional also has another type of filters called inclusion filters. These tell Akeeba Backup to include folders outside of your site's root or databases other than the one used by your site. These are equivalent to the Multiple Databases Definitions and Off-site Directories Inclusion pages of the component.


What it does: Get the filter values known to Akeeba Backup.

Syntax: akeeba:filter:list [--root=ROOT] [--profile=PROFILE] [--target=TARGET] [--type=TYPE] [--format=FORMAT]


This command takes no arguments.



Optional. Which filter root to use.

Defaults to [SITEROOT] or [SITEDB] depending on the --target option. Ignored for --type=include. The names of the inclusion filters are the roots you can use when listing exclusion (--type=exclude or --type=regex) filters.

Tip: the filesystem and database roots are the "filter" column for --type=include. There are two special roots, [SITEROOT] (the filesystem root of the Joomla site) and [SITEDB] (the main database of the Joomla site).


Optional. The backup profile to use. Default: 1.

Keep in mind that filters are set per backup profile. They are not reused across backup profiles.


Optional. The target of filters you want to list: fs (files and folders) or db (database tables).


Optional. The type of filters you want to list: exclude, include or regex. The different types are:

  • exclude. Exclusion filters. Equivalent to the Files and Directories Exclusion (when --target=fs) or Database Tables Exclusion (when --target=db) pages of the component.

  • regex. Regular expression based exclusion filters. Equivalent to the RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion (when --target=fs) or RegEx Database Tables Exclusion (when --target=db) pages of the component. Only available in Akeeba Backup Professional.

  • include. Inclusion filters. Equivalent to the Multiple Databases Definitions (when --target=db) and Off-site Directories Inclusion (when --target=fs) pages of the component. Only available in Akeeba Backup Professional.


Optional. Sets the output format of the command as explained earlier.

Exit codes

One of the following exit codes will be set when the command finishes running:


The command completed without an error.


Unknown root specified.