
Akeeba Ticket System can be uninstalled just like any other Joomla extension.


Uninstalling Akeeba Ticket System will delete your tickets and attachments. This process is IRREVERSIBLE. If you lose your support tickets by uninstalling Akeeba Ticket System we cannot help you retrieve them, they are gone forever.

Uninstalling Akeeba Ticket System will NOT remove the categories you create for the support ticket system. This is a limitation of Joomla's category management system. You need to delete the categories yourself before uninstalling Akeeba Ticket System.

First, go the extensions manager page. From the sidebar of your Joomla! administrator click on System. On the new page find the Manage area towards the top of the middle column and click the Extensions link.

In the Search box type Akeeba Ticket System package. It will show you a single item called "Akeeba Ticket System package" whose Type is Package.


Only ever try to uninstall the Package type extension. DO NOT try to uninstall the component, its plugins or module individually. It will leave stuff behind.

Select the item's checkbox and click on the Uninstall button in the toolbar. The extension and all its dependencies will be automatically uninstalled.