

s3 - Download from Amazon S3

This section consists of the following parameters:


Required. The Amazon S3 Secret Key used for connecting to Amazon S3.


Required. The Amazon S3 Access Key used for connecting to Amazon S3.


Optional. The Amazon S3 API signature method to use, i.e. how UNiTE will prove to Amazon S3 that it's authorized to download files. It can either be v2 or v4. The default since UNiTE 3.1.0 is v4.

You should always use the v4 method with Amazon S3 proper. It is the most secure and modern method. All Amazon S3 regions added after 2014 (e.g. Frankfurt, Sao Paolo, Ohio etc) support only the v4 method. The old, v2, method should only be used with third party (non-Amazon) implementations of the S3 API and only if you are not give a region to use.


Required. The Amazon S3 bucket to download files from.


Required if you are using the v4 signature. Ignored otherwise. The Amazon S3 region your bucket is located in.

This must be given in the machine readable format under the Region column of the Amazon S3 Region page, NOT the human readable Region Name. For example, you must type us-east-1 , NOT "US East (N. Virginia)", "US", or "Virginia".

Third party services providing an S3 compatible API may also give you a region to set up. If this is the case, make sure you are using the v4 signature setting and enter the region they provided you with here.


Required. The path to the file to download, e.g. /mybackups/somesite/site.jpa.


In the case of multi-part backup archives you only need to specify the .jpa, .jps or .zip file. UNiTE will automatically find and download all parts (.j01, .j02, ... or .z01, .z02, ...)


Optional. When set to 1 or true (default) UNiTE will connect to the S3 API using HTTPS. If you set it to 0 or false it will use plain old HTTP. It is very strongly advised that you always set it to 1.


Optional. When you are not using Amazon S3 but a third party service providing an S3-compatible RESTful API you can give its service endpoint host name here. Please note that you must not prefix it with http:// or https://. UNiTE will do that automatically for you when necessary.