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Akeeba Ticket System 1.1.0 Stable

Released on: 2013-05-11 07:46 CDT

General information

If you have a problem after or before installing the component please read our troubleshooting page for the February 2013 releases of our components. Do note that these issues are only likely to affect users with old versions of PHP, Joomla! and/or very old versions of our components.

PHP 5.3 is now required

This version requires PHP 5.3 or later. The rationale behind this is explained in our statement of mid-February 2013. It won't install on hosts running PHP 5.2 or earlier. Moreover, due to the necessary Joomla! API changes found only in Joomla! 2.5.6 or later, this version will not install on Joomla! 2.5.5 or earlier versions. In any case, it will tell you exactly why it cannot be installed (minimum PHP or Joomla! version not satisfied).

Release highlights

Support Staff is now allowed to reply to tickets in the front-end even when No Replies or Off-Line Schedule is activated. This is useful when you have a large support team and want them to keep on replying to outstanding tickets even when you put your support system off-line.

Custom fields per ticket. They can be set while the user files a new ticket.

Add tickets to a bucket for mass reply. This is useful when you have multiple tickets about the same known issue and you'd like to reply to all of them at once without copying and pasting.

Time tracking per post and ticket. Your support staff can report the time spent per post.

Assign support staff per ticket, flagging who's working on which ticket. You can optionally disable emails to other support staff.

AlphaUserPoints integration. You can now have your users consume AUP when they are dreating / replying to tickets.

Display a warning if a new post comes in while you are replying to a ticket (like phpBB does). Saves the embarrassment of replying to a ticket that's already been replied to by the user or another member of the support staff.

Filtered CSV export of tickets, including custom fields. This is very useful when you need to export ticket information to another system, e.g. your CRM.

Custom ticket statuses. You can define up to 9 additional statuses apart from the built-in Open, Pending and Closed statuses, allowing you to design a better workflow.

URL transliteration option, allows you to have sensible URL aliases (slugs) for tickets with titles containing international characters even when Unicode Aliases is set Off in your site's Global Configuration. The default transliteration rules support most European languages, Greek and Russian.


New features

  • #13 Custom fields
  • #14 Support Staff is now allowed to reply to tickets in the front-end even when No Replies or Off-Line Schedule is activated
  • #17 Add tickets to a bucket for mass reply
  • #18 Time tracking per post and ticket
  • #19 Assign support staff per ticket, flagging who's working on which ticket
  • #20 AlphaUserPoints integration
  • #22 Display a warning if a new post comes in while you are replying to a ticket (like phpBB does)
  • #25 Filtered CSV export of tickets, including custom fields
  • #26 Custom ticket statuses. You can define up to 9 additional statuses apart from the built-in Open, Pending and Closed statuses
  • URL transliteration option, allows you to have sensible URL aliases (slugs) for tickets with titles containing international characters even when Unicode Aliases is set Off in your site's Global Configuration

Miscellaneous changes

  • Updated HTMLPurifier to version 4.5.0

Bug fixes

  • [HIGH] Joomla! 3.1 broke several aspects of the component
  • [HIGH] New Ticket button not working when you have a menu item pointing to that category
  • [LOW] Do not call the Akeeba Subscriptions from CLI scripts, it leads to fatal errors
  • [LOW] Pending tickets were not being silently closed
  • [LOW] Wrong text was shown in new ticket view regarding private/public visibility
  • [MEDIUM] BBcode editor's textarea doesn't have the required attribute, allowing submission of empty ticket (thanks Igor!)
  • [MEDIUM] Issues with multilingual sites
  • [MEDIUM] Submitting tickets, posts and manager notes in the front-end of sites installed in subdirectories resulted in errors due to erroneous action URL (thanks Igor!)
  • [MEDIUM] The English email text would override the localised email text
  • [MEDIUM] Using ATS without Akeeba Subscriptions installed results in Joomla! throwing a red warning message every time you create / reply to a ticket
  • [MEDIUM] problems using the BBCode editor with a non-Latin language and PHP 5.3 (thanks Igor!)
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