
Official Releases

Akeeba Backup for Joomla! 3.2.3 Stable

Released on: 2011-02-23 05:08 CST


  • + ABI warns you if you have PHP 5.3 with E_STRICT reporting (Joomla! won't work)
  • + ABI version number shown in the application's top header and page title
  • # ABI: All getInstance() methods were not defined as static, throwing E_STRICT errors on local servers. Still, Joomla! WILL NOT work on those server environments (see two changelog items above)
  • # Revert MySQL TYPE= filtering behaviour from 3.2.1
  • # Could not restore to XAMPP 1.7.4 and WAMPserver 2.0e; now changing TYPE=enginetype to ENGINE=enginetype to ensure MySQL 5.1 compatibility of the exported SQL dump. The change doesn't affect earlier releases of MySQL.
  • # Changed the hard-coded timeout limits in ABI from 30 seconds to 2 minutes because some extremely slow servers would fail with an AJAX error.
  • # Akeeba Backup would fail on systems were only the MySQLi PHP extension was present and the old MySQL PHP extension was missing
  • # ABI: Restoring a site using the mysqli database driver results in the admin user having an empty email and password, rendering logging in as that user impossible.
  • # ABI: Javascript errors when the translation files were using Windows line endings (\r\n) instead of UNIX line endings (\n) due to imporper sanitization
  • # ABI: Could not run on MySQL 5.x servers which had Strict Mode enabled

Do note that on a properly configure server (PHP 5.2.x, MySQL 5.0.x with the MyISAM table engine as default) you are affected by virtually none of the above bugs. If, on the other hand, you have a XAMPP or WAMPserver local server, you are affected by all of them. In fact, if you have one of these, don't expect Joomla! to run at all even after a succesful restoration. It's just an incompatibility between the PHP and MySQL versions used by XAMPP and WAMPserver and Joomla!. Trash 'em and use a serious server environment, i.e. Zend Server CE with PHP 5.2.

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