
Official Releases

Admin Tools for WordPress 1.4.1 Stable

Released on: 2021-02-05 05:59 CST

Release highlights

Send out an email when an IP address is automatically banned. This feature is ported from Admin Tools for Joomla. When an IP address has been automatically banned from accessing your site you will receive an email letting you know. It also includes instructions for accessing your site and removing the block in case this address belongs to you and you were accidentally blocked from accessing your own site.

When a custom Admin URL is used, now you can choose to issue a redirect to home page or show a 404 error page. In the past the custom admin URL feature would show a 403 error page with the woring "This feature has been disabled". Depending on your use case you may want to redirect attempts to use the normal (/wp-admin) URL back to the site's homepage, like Admin Tools for Joomla does, or show a 404 page to further confuse bots trying to brute force your passwords. It is trongly recommended to NOT use this feature if you expect non-administrator users to be able to log into the public frontend of your site, e.g. to submit posts or post comments. In this case your custom admin URL will be visible in the public login links, offerring you no protection. This is not a bug, it's how WordPress works (it only offers a single login page for both the public frontend and the administrator backend).

Improve the layout in the Unblock an IP page. That page started as a proof of concept and its design hadn't progressed much beyond that. We gave it the once over for visual consistency with the rest of our software.

Improved CHANGELOG layout in the Control Panel page. Astonishingly, the CHANGELOG rendering in the Control Panel page hadn't changed for the better part of a decade. It was still using a bitmap image and CSS to display different areas of it to render its iconography. We replaced it with labels rendered with simple CSS, making it easier on your browser's renderer.

Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.

WordPress / ClassicPress and PHP versions supported

Please consult our Compatibility page to see which PHP and CMS versions are supported by each version of our software. This page is generated from the metadata attached to each version as it is released on our site.

Note: We have not received any feedback indicating that anyone is using our software on ClassicPress or WordPress 4.9. We plan on dropping support for these platforms by the end of 2021.


New features

  • Send out an email when an IP address is automatically banned
  • When a custom Admin URL is used, now you can choose to issue a redirect to home page or show a 404 error page

Bug fixes

  • [LOW] Htaccess Maker: Blocking malicious user agents is now case insensitive

Miscellaneous changes

  • Improve the layout in the Unblock an IP page
  • Improved CHANGELOG layout in the Control Panel page
  • Releasing the previous version without changes, due to server and CDN issues which resulted in inconsistent updates

Release files

Admin Tools for WordPress Core

1.20 Mb

ClassicPress 1.0 PHP 5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4 WordPress 4.9 to 5.1 WordPress 5.2 or later

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