27 January 2011 Last updated on 16 January 2012

The first public beta release of ARS 1.0 is here!

Akeeba Developers is proud to announce the first public beta of Akeeba Release System (ARS). ARS is a file repository quite different than its competition. It is primarily focused on software dissemination, but can also be used as a generic download component. Its main differences to its competition are speed, stability, perfect URLs without a SEF component, generation of update streams (including Joomla! 1.6 XML update streams), ease of use, Chameleon skinning and time saving features implemented along the board. We use it for our own downloads section. In on-line duty on this very site since August 2010, ARS had already served over a million downloads before its first public beta.

ARS is provided to everyone free of charge. It is compatible with both Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6. Please note that, unlike our other software, we do not provide free support for it. If you want support, you need an AKEEBADELUXE or SUPPORT subscription so that you can file a Private Support Ticket.

At the same time, we unveil the future in one-click updates: Akeeba Live Update (ALU). You may have already used its predecessors. It's what let Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools to update to their latest releases with just one click. Akeeba Live Update takes this idea further and allows any developer to add one-click updates to his components with just 20 lines of boilerplate PHP code. ALU is included in your free ARS download.

As always, you can find our software on our Downloads section which is, of course, powered by ARS itself. You can request support from our Private Support Ticket system, if you are a subscriber to our high-end subscription levels.

Happy downloading!

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
AkeebaBackup.com Owner & Lead Developer