30 July 2012 Last updated on 30 July 2012

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Akeeba Backup 3.6.0, the first release in our 3.6 series.

Akeeba Backup 3.6.x only supports Joomla! 2.5.1 or later. If you have one of those older versions of Joomla! you can download and install the appropriate version specified in our version compatibility chart. As of this version we will provide limited support to Joomla! 1.5 users as long as they are usign Akeeba Backup 3.4.3.

This version introduces a redesigned interface based on Bootstrap and experimental1 Joomla! 3.0 compatibility. It also includes a few feature enhancements and bug fixes.

As always, you can download the free version, Akeeba Backup Core, from our Downloads page without any charge. If you are a Professional subscriber you can download the Akeeba Backup Professional release from the same page; just make sure you are logged in before visiting the download page. Alternatively, you can use the integrated Live Update feature of our software to update it automatically on supported server environments.

Since July 7th, 2011, support is provided only to subscribers. We have created a cheap (7.79€) subscription, MINISUPPORT, which gives you access to our Support Ticket System for eight days, with the same priority as all subscribers to any subscription level. If you already have an active AKEEBAPRO, ATPRO or AKEEBAPRO subscription you already have access to the support ticket system; you don’t need to buy an extra subscription. Moreover, if you have an active AKEEBADELUXE or SUPPORT subscription, you can get top priority, confidential support by selecting the Private ticket visibility option when creating a new ticket.

Please read our documentation for installation and update information. Consult our our version compatibility chart for supported versions of Akeeba Backup for your platform.


+ #434 Let the email report the post-processing status
+ Expose AKEEBAPRO status in JSON API's getVersion
+ Scheduling information page
~ Removing leftover jquery.js and jquery-ui.js from media/com_akeeba/js directory
# [MEDIUM] Fatal error in the native CLI akeeba-backup.php script when there are warnings
# [LOW] Notice thrown by S3 processing engine
# [LOW] Division by zero when restoring an SRP backup with a zero-length database dump
# [LOW] Clicking on Changelog for a second time would result in a Javascript error