30 July 2012 Last updated on 30 July 2012

Akeeba Relase System 2.0.0 just released.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Akeeba Release System 2.0.0, a stable release.

Akeeba Release System has been rewritten for this release using the FOF framework. FOF is the framework powering the latest versions of our successful Akeeba Subscriptions, Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools software.

This version is only compatible with Joomla! 2.5.1 or later and introduces experimental support for the upcoming Joomla! 3.0.

As always, Akeeba Release System is available free of charge from our Downloads page. If you have an older version installed, you can simply use the integrated Live Update feature to upgrade to the new version painlessly.

While the software is free, its support is not. If you wish to receive support for the software, you will need to buy a MINISUPPORT subscription at 7.79 Euros for an 8-day pass to our dedicated forum section. Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to AKEEBADELUXE you can request support through our ticket system with public or private tickets.

Supported versions

Please consult our version compatibility matrix.


! Rewritten to use the FOF framework
+ Support for resumable downloads (Range headers)
~ Overall stability improvements
# [LOW] The item alias would include dots and spaces when using files, causing trouble with the router
# [LOW] The Visual Group feature would not work properly on BleedingEdge Only and Normal Only views