05 September 2012

Akeeba Subscriptions 2.4.0 just released.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Akeeba Subscriptions 2.4.0 Stable, the first release in our 2.4.x series.

This version is compatible only with Joomla! 2.5.1 or later. We have completely dropped Joomla! 1.5 compatibility. Users on Joomla! 1.5 will receive no support.

Akeeba Subscriptions 2.4.0 introduces a wealth of new features. Most notably we have added a feature which allows you to customise the subscription page with custom fields. Unlike what happened in the past, you no longer need to write PHP plugins in order to have custom fields in Akeeba Subscriptions. You can now do so through an easy to use back-end interface.

As always, you can get it from our Downloads page. If you have an older version installed, you can simply use the integrated Live Update feature, or Joomla!'s extension updater, to upgrade to the new version painlessly.

While the software is free, its support is not. If you wish to receive support for the software, you will need to buy a MINISUPPORT subscription at 7.79 Euros for an 8-day pass to our dedicated forum section. Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to AKEEBADELUXE you can request support either through the dedicated support forum section or by submitting a private support ticket.

Please consult our documentation for installation and update instructions. Refer to our version compatibility matrix to find out which releases of Akeeba Subscriptions are compatible with your PHP and Joomla! versions.


New features

+ Experimental Joomla! 3.0 support
+ #79 Custom fields (form builder)
+ ProjectFork integration
+ EasyDiscuss integration
+ Remove country prefix and non alphanumeric characters from VAT field, also checking it's a valid VAT number before saving it

Miscellaneous Changes

~ The interface now uses Bootstrap
~ Allow ReCAPTCHA to be shown only for specific subscription levels
~ 2Checkout: Improvement in handling of payment messages
~ Now using Bootstrap in the front-end
~ ccInvoices plugin: allow generation of invoices for pending payments (e.g. off-line payments)
~ ccInvoices plugin: update contact information when the subscriber updates his information in Akeeba Subscriptions
~ ccInvoices plugin: sunchronise the VAT field in ccInvoices 1.5

Bug fixes

# [HIGH] The PhocaDownloads integration plugin was broken (the last fix only dealt with half of the problem)
# [MEDIUM] The MailChimp integration plugin wouldn't install its library folder
# [MEDIUM] The JomSocial integration assigned users as administrators of the group, not just members
# [LOW] IFTHEN payment plugin: callbacks would not work
# [LOW] The VAT notice for intra-EU transactions was not being displayed with the ccInvoices custom tags plugin
# [LOW] Custom SQL plugin would throw a notice