
Video Tutorials

Credits: Video Training produced by Brian Teeman

Transcript of this course

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As well as creating manual backups Akeeba Backup offers you the opportunity to automate the process to ensure that you will always have an up to date backup.

Here on the control panel we can see an option called schedule automatic backup.

Here we can see the information for creating Command Line cron jobs the recommended method.

This does require that you can use the Cron interface of your web host.

Here Akeeba Backup Professional is showing you the exact syntax to use in your cron job.

However you will see that the beginning (path/to/php) needs to be changed to to be the actual path of your hosts PHP CLI executable if you do not know this your host can provide it to you.

So to begin let's copy this and go to our hosting panel.

My host uses cPanel and this video assumes that you are using cPanel as well.

Locate the Cron icon.

As you can see in my case it is right at the bottom in the Advanced Group but it may be different on your host.

Now we need to set the details of the cron job.

Remember a cron job is just a timed activity.

Here I can see that I can set it to run twice an hour, once an hour, once a day etc.

I am going to chose once a day In this example it is going to take place at the top of the hour at midnight.

Now we need to put the command here in the Command box.

This is what we copied from Akeeba Backup So let's paste it in BUT remember to change the /path/to/php On my web host /path/to/php is /usr/local/php7/bin/php-cli but it may be different on your host and you should confirm this with them.

Finally click Add New Cron Job and we can see that the cron job has been created and at midnight every day this command will be executed and a backup will be taken of your web site.

So now thanks to the cron job a backup will take place every single day at the designated time.