The menu item types

Akeeba Ticket System only defines a handful of menu item types you can use to create new menu items in your Joomla site:

Assigned Tickets

Displays the tickets that are assigned to the currently logged in support staff member.


This is supposed to be used on menu items which are only visible by registered, logged in users who are members of the support staff (they are set up as managers to the component or as support staff to one or more categories). Do not assign this to the Public or Guest viewing access level or to a viewing access level accessible by regular users. If you do your visitors will get a 403 Forbidden error message. This is by design.


This is the main view that you want to include in a menu item on your site. It displays all the available support ticket categories and allows the user to navigate into them, create new tickets and so on.


You MUST always have a menu item with this menu type, even in a hidden menu (a menu which is not published) per language. I fyou don't the SEF URL router shipped with Akeeba Ticket System will not work correctly and you will end up with strange URLs and/or routing issues (displaying the wrong category or ticket).


This menu item type allows you to create a menu item which displays the tickets inside a specific category and allows users to post new tickets only to that category.

My Tickets

This is a convenient way to allow your users to view a list of all the tickets they have filed on your site. It will display all tickets submitted by the currently logged in user.


This is supposed to be used on menu items which are only visible by registered, logged in users. Do not assign this to the Public or Guest viewing access level. If you do your visitors will get a 403 Forbidden error message. This is by design. A non-logged-in user can't be shown "his" or "her" tickets because they cannot own any tickets!

Latest Open

Shows all the open tickets, private and public, across all categories sorted by last reply date descending (oldest on top). This is only available to the support staff, i.e. users with the Access Administration Interface privilege or the Support Staff privilege.