Tickets view

These options apply to the main, top–level list of Categories (Categories view). It allso applies at the subcategories area displayed at the top of a page displaying the tickets of a category.

These options can be overridden in the menu item's parameters.


Show the category title at the top of the page

Parent category

Show the parent category under the category title. This should be unnecessary in most cases; Akeeba Ticket System populates the breadcrumbs with the path to the category. You will realistically only need this option if you are creating menu items for each individual ticket category and/or in a way where your menu structure does not follow your nested category structure.


Show the category tags above the list of tickets.

Category description

Show the category description above the list of tickets.

Category image

The the category image next to the category description.

Show subcategories

If the category has subcategories, show a tree of the subcategories below the category's description.

Subcategory levels

How many nesting levels of subcategories to display when the Show Subcategories option above is enabled. Use “All” to display all subcategory levels. Using “None” has the same effect as setting Show Subcategories to Hide. It usually makes sense to set this to 1 level.

Show subcategory description

Show the description of each subcategory under its title. Enabling this option may lead to very long, hard to read pages.

New ticket button

Show the New Ticket button above the list of tickets.

Show tickets

Show the list of tickets in the category. You are advised to always set this to Show in the category options.

You can change that globally or at the menu item if you have a very specific use case such as:

  • You have nested categories where one or more of the parent category levels is there for organisational purposes only and must not accept tickets itself. In this case change this option at the menu item level.

  • You do not have public tickets and you only ever want clients to access their tickets through the My Tickets page — and support staff only see the latest open tickets, not the full list of tickets ever. In this case you may want to display the categories structure but not list the tickets under each category. To do that, set this option to Hide in the component options.

# tickets to list

How many tickets to list by default per page. The “Use Global” option will use the List Limit setting in your site's Global Configuration. We very strongly recommend not showing more than 50 tickets per page for performance reasons. Kindly note that showing too many tickets per page, e.g. 100 or more, may result in PHP memory running out and your site throwing an error.

Sort table by

Choose the sort order for the tickets. The default is “Last replied, descending” showing the tickets with the most recent activity first. This is different than “ID, descending” which shows the ticket submitted most recently first, essentially letting older, still active tickets end up in later pages even if they have more recent activity!

Show No Tickets message when empty

Show a message that the category has no tickets or the user does not have permission to access any tickets when there are no tickets to show to the user.


Display the pagination controls. These are the page links at the bottom of the page. It is generally advised to always have this set to Show.

Display select

Show a drop–down menu which lets the user select how many tickets to display per page. THIS IS DANGEROUS. Joomla includes very large numbers (100 or more) in the drop–down. As noted above, trying to display more than 50 tickets may become excessively slow or even cause a memory outage error, causing your site to display an error. The client will be unable to reset this until the log out and back in. As a result you should NOT give them the option to change the number of tickets per page.

Pagination summary

Show the “Page X of Y” message next to the page number links. It is not strictly necessary — this information can be easily inferred from the pagination links. It's just a bit clearer for your clients.