Site modules

Site modules can be used in the public frontend of your site to present information to your site's visitors.

Tickets info

Displayed as: Akeeba Ticket System - Tickets info

This module allows you to present a quick shortcut to the user's ticket by status: Open, Pending (including all custom states) and Closed — or only some or none of the above. You can further show quick buttons to the My Tickets page and the New Ticket page. Finally, you can add custom HTML to be presented at the top of the module, between the list of tickets and the buttons, and at the bottom of the module.

This module has the following options besides the default Joomla module options.

Text before

HTML to include at the top of the module.

Text before buttons

HTML to include between the list of number of tickets by status and the My Tickets / New Ticket buttons.

Text after

HTML to include at the bottom of the module.

Show open

Display the number of open tickets submitted by the current user.

Show pending

Display the number of pending tickets submitted by the current user. This includes all tickets with a custom status. This is intentional; with up to 100 custom statuses listing each one separately could result in an unwieldy module.

Show closed

Display the number of closed tickets submitted by the current user.

Show My Tickets

Display a link to the My Tickets page.

Please make sure you have created a menu item to Akeeba Ticket System's ‘My Tickets’ view if the URL in the module seems to be broken or takes you to the wrong page.

Show New Ticket button

Display a New Ticket button.

When this option is enabled the New Ticket button is always displayed, without checking if the user has permissions to submit tickets in any category. This is intentional. Checking the permissions on each and every ATS category is very slow. With just 10 categories we measured an average of 0.3 seconds page load performance impact, twice as much as a brand new Joomla installation took to load on the same server.

If the button leads to the wrong page or shows a Not Found error please remember to create a menu item to Akeeba Ticket System's ‘New Ticket‘ view before turning on this option.