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Admin Tools 2.4.3 Stable

Released on: 2012-12-02 08:38 CST


Due to a bug in version 2.4.2 and 2.4.1 the PHP File Scanner's settings were not being saved correctly. As a result, trying to run a scan –even after upgrading to 2.4.3– might not work properly. If this happens please click on the blue Configure button in the PHP File Scanner page and set the following file types to scan (one on each line):


Make sure the minimum execution time is set to 1, maximum execution time set to 5 and runtime bias set to 75%. Then click on the Save & Close button. This will allow the PHP File Scanner to work correctly.


+ You can now select the maximum number of security exception log entries to keep and auto-remove the rest (it's in the System - Admin Tools parameters)
~ Improved post-setup error messages if you have not selected both license & support checkboxes
~ Make sure we are no longer using Joomla!'s integrated extension update (it doesn't support stability and Joomla! version compatibility checks)
# [MEDIUM] PHP File Scanner configuration would get saved in a very wrong way
# [LOW] Admin Tools' MySQL-related features go away when you enable db query caching in sh404SEF
# [LOW] Email sent by the CLI version of PHP File Change Scanner always reads "Unknown site" (thanks Gabriel)
# [LOW] Email sent by the CLI version of PHP File Change Scanner always lists files as Added