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Akeeba Backup for WordPress 7.6.2 Stable

Released on: 2022-03-01 04:15 CST

What's new?

Auto-disable browser downloads when PHP error disable is not positively disabled. We are now detecting when your server configuration is set up to output PHP notices, warnings and errors to the browser. In this case we disable downloading backup archives through the browser to prevent them getting corrupted (broken) by such PHP output before we have the chance to send the browser the actual backup archive file content.

WordPress: Allow enabling browser downloads of backup archives. In the previous version browser downloads were always disabled. You can now re-enable them with an option in the System Configuration page of Akeeba Backup. Please note that browser downloads of backup archive files may still be automatically disabled as per the feature described above.

Add support for AKEEBADEBUG_ERROR_DISPLAY (mapped to WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY on WordPress). In the past Akeeba Backup would turn on error display when WP_DEBUG was enabled in WordPress, igoring the WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY setting. This has now been fixed. Akeeba Solo would also turn on error display when AKEEBADEBUG was defined. We have now added a new constant in Akeeba Solo, AKEEBADEBUG_ERROR_DISPLAY, which can be used to suppress error display when set to false. In this case PHP Notices, Warnings and Errors will still be logged in the PHP error log but not appear in the browser output.

PHP 8.1 compatibility improvements in the restoration script. We have caught a number of PHP 8.1 Deprecated notices and minor Warnings which did not have a functional impact.

Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.

CMS and PHP versions supported

Please consult our Compatibility page. It explains our version support policy and lists which versions of our software are compatible with which versions of the supported CMS and PHP.


Bug fixes

  • [HIGH] Version 7.6.2 was missing files from its packages

Release files

Akeeba Backup Core for WordPress

1.52 Mb

ClassicPress 1.0 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4 PHP 8.0 PHP 8.1 WordPress 4.9 to 5.1 WordPress 5.2 or later

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