
Official Releases

Admin Tools 6.1.1 Stable

Released on: 2021-08-12 05:39 CDT

What's new?

Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.

Joomla! and PHP versions supported

Please consult our Compatibility page. It explains our version support policy and lists which versions of our software are compatible with which versions of Joomla and PHP.


Bug fixes

  • [HIGH] Uninstallation broken on Joomla 4 due to different installation script event handling.
  • [LOW] Optimise Tables fails on Joomla 3 when you're using the PDO MySQL database driver.

Miscellaneous changes

  • Changes in Joomla 4.0.0-RC5 broke the date and time input fields. Now using native HTML 5 controls.

Release files

Admin Tools Core

900.66 Kb

Joomla! 3.10 Joomla! 3.9 Joomla! 4.0 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4 PHP 8.0

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