30 July 2012 Last updated on 18 August 2012

Admin Tools 2.3.2 is released.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Admin Tools 2.3.2, a bugfix release.

This version is only compatible with Joomla! 2.5.1 or later. Important note: Joomla! 3.0-alpha2 itroduced backwards compatibility bugs in the back-end user interface. Until they are fixed we will not support using our component in Joomla! 3.x.

This version is not compatible with Joomla! 1.5. Users of Joomla! 1.5 using Admin Tools 2.2.10 will continue to receive limited support throughout August 2012.

Users of the Professional release who are using our .htaccess Maker feature are kindly requested to go to .htaccess Maker and click on "Save and create .htaccess" after updating Admin Tools.

As always, you can download the free version, Admin Tools Core, from our Downloads page without any charge. If you are a Professional subscriber you can download the Admin Tools Professional release from the same page; just make sure you are logged in before visiting the download page. Alternatively, you can use the integrated Live Update feature of our software to update it automatically on supported server environments.

Since July 2011, support is provided only to subscribers. We have created a cheap (7.79€) subscription, MINISUPPORT, which gives you access to our Ticket System for eight days, with the same priority as all subscribers to any subscription level. If you have an active ATPRO, AKEEBAPRO or AKEEBADELUXE subscription you already have access to the support forum; you don’t need to buy a new subscription. Moreover, if you have an active AKEEBADELUXE or MINISUPPORT subscription you can get top priority, private support through our Private Ticket support system.

Please consult our documentation for installation instructions. Consult our version compatibility matrix for a list of Admin Tools releases compatible with your PHP and Joomla! versions.


~ Improve compatibility with other software using cssmin
# [LOW] Unnecessary parameters were being saved by the Configure WAF page
# [MEDIUM] The template= option in WAF wold always allow installed templates to pass through.
# [HIGH] "Forbid front-end super administrator login" did not work properly since Joomla! 2.5.5 due to a security change in Joomla!
# [HIGH] The .htaccess Maker would detect the wrong version of Apache, creating unoptimised .htaccess files in some cases