I noticed by chance that when I tried to login after restoring a website on Wamp, I got an error when I put the wrong password, so I tried the same thing on the production site and got the same error indicated below. I found a similar problem at https://www.akeeba.com/support/admin-tools/40486-failed-login-error.html, so tried going to Admin Tools, Web Application Firewall, Configure WAF and clicking on Save & Close, but it did not resolve the problem. I thought I would let you know.
Best wishes,
"An error has occurred.
0 Akeeba\Plugin\System\AdminTools\Utility\BlockedRequestHandler::logRequest(): Argument #3 ($extraLogTableInformation) must be of type string, null given, called in /home/customer/www/switzerland.upf.org/public_html/plugins/system/admintools/src/Feature/TrackFailedLogins.php on line 57