We are using a separate domain on the same webspace to backup two Joomla Sites.
The Akeeba Solo domain runs on PHP 7.3.10 but the site we are trying to backupΒ is a Joomla 3.5.0 version, running on PHP 5.6.4 and there we would like to backup only the database for now.
We had to limit the chunk size to less than 2GB, which I managed to do with Dales help.
Now I got another error during the backup
and after running ALICE:
As possible solution it says:
Please try setting min execution time to 1, max execution time to 10 seconds (or if the PHP timeout is less than 10 seconds, use 75% of the PHP timeout), runtime bias 75%
Which I did:Β http://prntscr.com/tlejh9
Still, the same error appears when backing up the database, see attached log. When this all works as intended, we would like to transfer it offsite to Backblaze B2, but that's another story.
Seems today is one of "those" days. :(