i have set up the remote.xml file with the correct information and through terminal (OSX) have managed to execite unite.php files are extracted correctly but when it gets to the sql migration it throws an error. message below
Akeeba UNITE v.1.2.1 (2013-09-30) Copyright (c)2009-2014 Akeeba Ltd This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE.TXT file in the installation ZIP package. =============================================================================== Scanning /Users/PixeltoPaper/Documents/Development/NotTracked/23creative/unite/engine/step/../../inbox for XML files... Parsing /Users/PixeltoPaper/Documents/Development/NotTracked/23creative/unite/engine/step/../../inbox/remote.xml Found 1 job(s) to run ### Starting job #1 ### Running validator Running remote Running stealth Writing a stealth .htaccess (direct access) Running extract Extractor tick Extractor tick Running dbrestore Processing database joomla Trying to retrieve installation/sql/joomla.sql using direct access Importing joomla.sql to database... SQL error dropping #__acymailing_config: SQL=DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `s10yj_acymailing_config`; ### Finished job #1 ### Running postbanner =============================================================================== UNITE finished its run cycle Total definitions found : 1 Total definitions executed successfuly : 0 Total definitions failed to run : 1
I have tried dropping all the tables from my sites database but that doesn't help. Im sure everything is entered correctly as if i go through the ANGIE installer with the same information everything works how it should.
Attached is my remote.xml file (i have removed my super admin information)
any help would be greatly appreciated.