I have a custom .htaccess file that's been generated using Admin Tools. The default exceptions plus more of my own are in there.
I'm using the following unite XML file information (I've only included the remote and site info parts):
<downloadmode>http</downloadmode> <- I've tried using chunk as well
<package from="remote"></package>
<name>From this name</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
This is the result that I get when I run unite from SSH or a cron job (/usr/local/bin/php /home/user/unite/unite.php) :
Scanning /home/user/unite/engine/step/../../inbox for XML files...
Parsing /home/user/unite/engine/step/../../inbox/unite-mysite.com.xml
Found 1 job(s) to run
### Starting job #1 ###
Running validator
Running remote
Running s3
Running stealth
Writing a stealth .htaccess (direct access)
Running extract
Invalid archive type or extension in file
I don't think it's even running my backup?
When I try to run my backup from SSH using wget, it works just fine:
wget --max-redirect=10000 --no-check-certificate "http://mydomain.com/index.php?option=com_akeeba&view=backup&key=mykey&profile=5"