Invalid AJAX Response:Notice: Undefined variable: object in C:\........\administrator\components\com_joomlapack\helpers\sajax.php on line 189var res = { 0: 'step', 1: '' }; res;
Log file
[081208 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[081208 ] JoomlaPack 2.0 (2008-12-06 00:39:47)
[081208 ] Your one for all backup solution
[081208 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[081208 ] --- PHP Configuration Values ---
[081208 ] OS Version :Windows NT
[081208 ] Safe mode :
[081208 ] Display errors :1
[081208 ] Disabled functions :
[081208 ] open_basedir restr.:
[081208 ] Max. exec. time :60
[081208 ] Memory limit :32M
[081208 ] Current mem. usage :5967872
[081208 ] GZIP Compression : available (good)
[081208 ] JPATH_BASE :\administrator
[081208 ] JPATH_ROOT :
[081208 ] JPATH_CACHE :\administrator\cache
[081208 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[081208 ] Loading profile #1
[081208 ] JoomlaPack is starting a new full site backup
[081208 ] Creating packer engine of type jpa
[081208 ] Trying to read engine setup data from \administrator\components\com_joomlapack\classes\engine\packer\engine.ini
[081208 ] Trying to include engine file engine.packer.jpa
[081208 ] Instanciating JoomlapackPackerJPA
[081208 ] Archive template name: site-[HOST]-[DATE]-[TIME]
[081208 ] Expanded template name:
[081208 ] Archive template name: site-[HOST]-[DATE]-[TIME]
[081208 ] Expanded template name:
[081208 ] Calculated archive absolute path: \administrator\components\com_joomlapack\backup\
[081208 ] Backup type is now set to 'full'
[081208 ] Expanded archive file name: C:/..../administrator/components/com_joomlapack/backup/
[081208 ] Seeding archive with installer
[081208 ] JoomlapackPackerJPA :: new instance - archive C:/....../administrator/components/com_joomlapack/backup/
[081208 ] JoomlapackPackerJPA :: Killing old archive