My name is Jean-Marie (France).
I have the same problem
- I have nothing in the mail texbox.
- The version of core Akeeba Backup is '3.2 (2011-01-31)'
- The version of plg remote control is 'Akeeba Remoting XMLRPC services for Akeeba Backup 3.1 (july 2010)'
- The Web Services is 'ON' on my site (general configuration of Joomla)
- Joomla is '1.5.22'
- Operating System S is 'Vista 32 bits pack 2"
The backup is OK with the backend of Joomla (administration of Akeeba Backup).
The error message with Akeeba Remote controle : Error XML-RPC : Invalid payload received from xml-rpc server
My test is on my WEB Server, directly
I don't know what to do !
Thanks a lot
(sorry for my english...)