A few days ago, after my ISP inMotion has just changed its linux OS to Alma 8.1 and upgraded it's cPanel and WHM software, I found myself unable to login to my sites ccorch.org and artsgourmet.org as administrator.
I have been able to recover access to my ccorch.org domain and unblock my IP by using the akeeba rescue mode.
I have not been able to restore access with my other site artsgourmet.org.
Rescue site submission for artsgourmet.org returns "This site can't be reached"
I have tried renaming .htaccess and .htaccess.admintools same message
I am unable to use the "FTP" method because there is no "main.php" file to be disabled. (in either of my sites)
- There is no subdirectory plugins/system/admintools/admintools (I am using the current version of Admin Tools)
- There is no file "main.php" in the dierectory plugins/system/admintools
It seems like I am being blocked by akeeba