![]() | Note |
This feature is only available in the Professional release |
The Web Application Firewall feature of Admin Tools is designed to offer real-time protection against the most common fingerprinting attacks, used by attackers to deduce information about your site in order to tailor an attack to it, and the most common attacks. The real-time protection is performed by the "System - Admin Tools" plugin.
Before configuring Admin Tools' WAF you have to make sure that the plugin is published and it's the first to run, i.e. it should appear first in the ordering menu. These conditions are automatically applied when you install the Admin Tools bundle. However, if you have installed more system plugins make sure that plg_admintools is published before all other system plugins. If not, the protection offered will not be thorough. Do note that, by default, Admin Tools will try to automatically reorder its system plugin as the first published plugin.
When you launch the Web Application Firewall feature of Admin Tools you are presented with its panel page:
The Web Application Firewall page
Clicking on any icon will launch the respective sub-tool. The
button on the upper right-hand corner will get you back to the Control Panel page.This page lets you configure Admin Tools' Web Application Firewall. This tells Admin Tools how to protect your site. By default, only a basic set of options is enabled. When you use the Quick Setup Wizard feature when you first install Admin Tools a slightly bigger subset of features which are generally “safe” for use on most sites will be enabled.
Using this page you can tailor Admin Tools' protection for your site. Remember that the options are not automatically applied; you will need to click the
button to apply them. If you change your mind midway through changing the options click on the button to return to the Web Application Firewall control panel page.![]() | Important |
If you do something wrong and you inadvertently lock yourself out of the administrator area of your site, do not panic! Read this section about regaining entrance. |
The Configure WAF page is split into several tabs to make it easier for you to locate the correct option. The documentation of this page is organized as one section per tab to help you locate the option you are looking for.
WAF: Basic Features
The Basic Features section contains the very basic options which allow you to control who can access your site.
When enabled, only IPs in the Exclusive Allow IP List (see the following sections of this documentation about configuring it) will be allowed to access the administrator area of the site. All other attempts to access the administrator pages will be redirected to the site's home page. Be careful when using this feature! If you haven't added your own IP to the Exclusive Allow IP List you will get locked out of your administrator area!
Please look into the Exclusive Allow IP List documentation section for more information.
![]() | Important |
IPs added to the Administrator Exclusive Allow IP List are fully vetted as far as Admin Tools is concerned. This means that no security measure will be applied against them. Please place only very well trusted IPs in this list! If an attack is launched from this IP, it will not be blocked by Admin Tools! |
When enabled, if the visitor's IP is in the IP Disallow List (see the following sections of this documentation about configuring it) they will immediately get a 403 Forbidden error message upon trying to access your site.
Normally, you can access your site's administrator area
using a URL similar to
. Potential
hackers already know that and will try to access your site's
administrator area the same way. From that point they can try
to brute force their way in (guess your username and password)
or simply use the fact that an administrator area exists to
deduce that your site is running Joomla! and attack it. By
entering a word here, you are required to include it as a URL
parameter in order to access your administrator area. For
instance, if you enter the word test here
you will only be able to access your site's administrator area
with a URL similar to
. All
other attempts to access the administrator area will be
redirected to the site's home page, or blocked – depending on
the setting of the Invalid administrator secret URL
parameter action parameter. If you do not wish to
use this feature, leave this field blank.
The secret URL parameter must start with a letter. If it starts with a number, you will immediately get a "Illegal variable _files or _env or _get or _post or _cookie or _server or _session or globals passed to script" error when trying to access your site's administrator back-end. It should also contain only lowercase and uppercase ASCII characters and numbers (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), dashes and underscores in order to ensure the widest compatibility with all possible browser and server combinations.
Any other characters you use (such as: punctuation; special characters; Latin letters with accents or diacritics; Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese and other ethnic script characters) will have to be URL-encoded. This makes it difficult and tricky to use, hence our recommendation not to use it.
Moreover note that some extended Unicode characters such as certain Traditional Chinese characters and Emoji cannot be used. They will be either rejected by the server or trigger a server protection which will lock you out from your site at the hosting level (you'll have to contact your host to unblock you).
Finally note that on most servers this is case sensitive, i.e. abc, ABC and Abc are three different secret words.
![]() | Tip |
Some servers do not work with
Please be aware of some pitfalls with this feature:
This feature works by checking whether the URL used to log into your site has the secret URL parameter present in it. If your session expires and you try to access any backend page Joomla will redirect you to the site's administrator login page without the secret URL parameter. As a result you will be redirected to the frontend of the site and a Blocked Request will be logged against your IP with the reason “Admin Query String”.
If this happens too many times, e.g. because you have multiple background tabs opened to different administrator pages which get silently reloaded by your browser, or because your browser's “Frequently Used” / ”Top Sites” / similar feature tries to silently load an administrator page you are using frequently you may find that your IP is temporarily blocked.
The best way to prevent that from happening is to a. not have multiple administrator pages open in different tabs / browser windows at the same time; b. close all administrator page tabs when you are going to not be interacting with them for more than a minute or two; c. use Joomla's Logout feature when you are not going to be using your site's administrator for a few minutes; and d. set the session expiration time in your site's Global Configuration to a higher value which is representative of your workflow (e.g. 300 minutes if you are likely to leave an admin page open for up to 5 hours before coming back to it).
Alternatively, set the “Browser cookie override for the administrator secret URL parameter” to a setting other than Disabled.
As alluded to above, sometimes you may see that your IP is blocked even though you haven't tried visiting your site's administrator, with Blocked Requests recorded from your IP address with the reason “Admin Query String”. This is NOT a bug in Admin Tools. It's how your browser works. Most modern browsers have a pinned sites, reading list and/or frequently visited sites feature which is updated every time you open a new browser window or tab and sometimes also updated in the background, without further interaction from you. This means that your browser is accessing an administrator URL on your site because it appears in one of these features. If this URL does not contain the secret URL parameter and your session has expires a Blocked Request from your IP address is recorded.
There is no way for Admin Tools (or anything on your server, really) to know that these requests are automated background requests from your browser. As far as your browser is concerned, these are legitimate requests coming from a real browser. Since the Joomla session does not have the administrator secret URL parameter set when this happens they will be treated as requests to be blocked.
The only thing you can do is either disable these features on your browser (or at least remove any administrator URLs to your site from these features); OR set the “Browser cookie override for the administrator secret URL parameter” to a setting other thanDisabled; OR not use the administrator secret URL parameter.
In fact, we recommend using the Administrator Password Protection feature instead ofthe administrator secret URL parameter: it is more secure, more reliable, more resistant to Denial of Service attacks and does not suffer from the accidental locking out of your IP address . The downside is that the Administrator Password Protection feature only works on Apache and Litespeed, the two servers which support .htaccess files.
If you are sharing your public (Internet-facing) IP address with other people, e.g. in an IPv4 network using NAT to access the Internet, if one person gets the IP address blocked then all people behind the same IP address are blocked as well. This is very important if you are working in an office / company with other developers, site integrators and site administrators on a public site. One member of the team gets blocked, everyone is blocked. This is not a bug; as far as the site's server knows, it receives requests from the same IP address regardless of the person, machine or browser being used. This problem is mostly resolved if both you and the server are using IPv6. In this case each machine has a different IP address, even when using the equivalent of NAT under IPv6.
Choose the action to take if an attempt was made to
access the administrator without a valid secret URL parameter.
The default action is Redirect
redirects the user to the frontend of the site. The other
option is Block
which will instead show the
blocked request message, and stop execution.
In both cases a blocked request is logged for the user's IP address. This option does not affect whether a blocked request log entry will be created; it only affects what happens after the blocked request entry is created. Most people prefer the subtle "maybe you shouldn't be here" subtext of redirecting to the site's frontend. Some people want to be more affirmative with a message that notifies the other end they are caught doing something they shouldn't. That's all there is to this option.
As noted above, when your login session expires and you try to access an administrator page you will get redirected to the site's frontend and a Blocked Request will be logged against your IP with the reason “Admin Query String”. If that happens enough times — for example because your browser is trying to silently access administrator pages without your interaction such as when you have multiple background tabs open or because of its Frequently Visited / Top Sites / similar feature — you might have your own IP temporarily blocked, preventing you from accessing your site.
When this option is set to a value other than Disabled, Admin Tools will set a secure browser cookie when you log into your site's administrator. If this cookie is present and valid Admin Tools will allow you access to Joomla's administrator login page even if the URL does not include the Administrator Secret URL Parameter — like, for example, when your session expires. This allows you to log back into your site's administrator without a Blocked Request being logged for your IP address therefore without risking getting blocked off your site.
The cookie is removed from your browser and made invalid in the database when you a. log out of the site's backend (see caveat below); b. when you change the user's password (if Joomla's Remember Me plugin is published); and c. when a possible attack against this feature is detected.
Caveat: if you have enabled Linked Sessions on your site the cookie will be removed when you log out from either the backend of the frontend of your site. That's how Joomla works, it's not an Admin Tools bug. Joomla's Linked Sessions feature issues a logout on both the frontend and backend application in such a way that the backend application cannot discern whether it's a real backend logout or a Linked Sessions logout.
There are four settings for this option:
Disabled. This feature is disabled. No new cookies will be set and existing ones are ignored.
Enabled. This feature is enabled. New cookies are set when you log into your site, removed when you log out and used instead of the Administrator Secret URL Parameter when it is missing from the administrator login URL or the wrong secret URL parameter is used.
Enabled, notify when used. Same as “Enabled”, additionally prints a reminder message in the login page when this feature is used instead of the Administrator Secret URL Parameter.
Enabled, remind to use the full URL. Same as “Enabled, notify when used”, additionally prints a message reminding you to use the correct administrator login URL, not to have multiple browser tabs open in the background and log out when you are not going to be using the site's administrator pages for the next few minutes. Furthermore, if the last user who had logged into the site with the current browser was a Super User it will additionally print a reminder that you may need to adjust your Session Length and that this feature can be controlled from the Components, Admin Tools, Web Application Firewall, Configure WAF page.
We recommend setting this feature to “Enabled, notify when used” or “Enabled” on most sites. The “Enabled, remind to use the full URL” is normally only necessary as a default, to remind Super Users that this feature exists and how to control it.
If you want to customise the message displayed when this
is set to “Enabled, notify when used” and the first part of
the message displayed when this is set to “Enabled, remind to
use the full URL” you can do a language
override for the language key
If you would like to customise the second half of the
messages printed to regular backend users and Super Users when
this is set to “Enabled, remind to use the full URL” you can
do a language
override for the language keys
The cookies for this feature are stored in Joomla's #__user_keys database table, along with Joomla's Remember Me secure cookie settings and possibly other third party extensions' secure cookie settings, as per Joomla's best practices for implementing any feature requiring the use of secure cookies. Joomla's Remember Me may remove ALL cookie settings for a user when the user logs out, their password changes or it detects a possible attack — this includes the secure cookie settings for Admin Tools itself. Third party extensions may remove secure cookie settings for a user under other circumstances as well. Before assuming this feature does not work please make sure that neither Joomla's Remember Me nor a third party extension are removing records from that table.
When enabled, Admin Tools will prevent back-end users from trying to disable (unpublish) the plugin. This means that you will also be unable to unpublish the plugin until you disable this option!
By default, Joomla! allows users with back-end access to log in to the site any time of the day. On smaller sites which have only a handful, or even just one, administrators on the same zone this means that someone can try to log in with a stolen username / password while you are fast asleep and unable to respond to the unexpected login. This where the Away Schedule comes into play. If a user with back-end login privileges tries to log in to the front- or back-end of your sute between the "from" and "to" hour of the day they will be denied login. Moreover, if someone tries to access the administrator login page during that time they will be redirected to the front-end of the site – even if the have used the correct Administrator secret URL parameter.
Please note that this feature does not affect your
regular users logging in to the front-end of your site. It
only prevents users belonging to a group with the
Admin Login
privilege. You can check
which groups have that privilege by clicking on the
, menu of your site and visiting the
Permissions tab.
The From and To time has to to be entered in 24-hour format with trailing zeros, e.g. 09:15 for a quarter past 9 a.m. and 21:30 for half past 9 p.m. The time is entered in your server's timezone which may be different than the timezone you live in. For your convenience, the server's time at the time of the page load (in 24 hour format) is shown to you right below the Away Schedule.
![]() | Warning |
This feature is provided WITHOUT SUPPORT. |
This feature allows you to “mask” your site's
directory, in the same
spirit as the “Administrator secret URL parameter”
Let's say you set this parameter to
and that your site's URL is
If someone tried to access
directly they
would be sent back to your site's homepage, and a blocked
request would be recorded against their IP address.
If someone tries to access
they will be
redirected to https://www.example.com/administrator
and they will see the admin login page.
Essentially, what you set here creates a SEF URL which
“unlocks” access to Joomla's
There are some caveats:
You cannot use this feature if there is a Joomla menu item with the same Alias as what you enter in this option; this would prevent you from accessing your site's administrator.
If there is any kind of server-side configuration which prevents access to the SEF URL it will prevent you from accessing your site's administrator.
If a third party SEF or cookie blocker extension on your site blocks the SEF URL or the cookies set up by this feature it will prevent you from accessing your site's administrator.
This feature is incompatible with the Administrator Secret URL Parameter feature.
This feature requires cookies. Third party Joomla plugins and / or browser extensions may interfere with setting or reading these cookies, preventing you from accessing your site's administrator.
This feature checks your IP address. If you are on a mobile connection – or any other connection where the IP address constantly changes – you may get locked out of your site's administrator. If your IP address changes while you are logged into your site's administrator, you may get locked out of your site's administrator. If your browser tries to access your site's administrator to take screenshots for its most frequently visited feature's thumbnails (default in virtually all modern browsers) you may get locked out of your site's administrator.
This feature checks the User-Agent string of your browser. If it changes while you are logged into your site's administrator (e.g. browser or Operating System update, using a third party extension, using your browser's developer tools etc) you may get locked out of your site's administrator.
There is a maximum allowed time of 180 seconds between accessing the SEF URL and accessing administrator. If that time is exceeded (slow connection, networking issues etc) you may get locked out of your site's administrator.
As you understand, there are pretty significant failure modes for this feature. At the same time, it does not offer any substantial security benefits. You are much better off using the Administrator Password Protection feature, or simply setting up Joomla's built-in Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for all back-end user accounts; we can tell you Joomla's MFA is very solid, it is just a renamed copy of our Akeeba LoginGuard extensions we maintained between 2016 and 2022 (we contributed it back to Joomla).
Though we know that the custom administrator folder feature is not a very good idea anymore, there are some folks who were irrationally angry when we announced we'd need to remove it. To satisfy this very vocal, but stark, minority we are keeping this feature in Admin Tools but WITHOUT SUPPORT. We strongly advise against using it.
WAF: Request Filtering
The Request Filtering section contains the options which are the heart and soul of the Web Application Firewall. Admin Tools will monitor incoming requests and their variables, filter them using these options and decide which requests seem to be nefarious, blocking them.
When enabled, Admin Tools will try to detect common SQL injection attacks against your site and block them.
But what is a SQLi attack? A few Joomla extension developers are hobbyists, without experience and / or security training; or mistakes do happen, as Joomla itself has found out the hard way. One of the common mistakes they do is to make assumptions about the nature or the content of user-submitted data, interpolating them into database queries as-is. Database queries are also called SQL queries (SQL, pronounced "sequel", is the shorthand for Structured Query Language, the programming language the database queries are written in). An attacker can exploit this mistake by sending data which have the effect of terminating the developer's database query and starting a new one which either dumps privileged data -such as usernames and passwords- or modifies data into the database - such as adding a new Super User under the control of the attacker. This class of attacks is called an SQL Injection, or SQLi for short, since the attacker "injects" his own code into a SQL query running on the site.
Many hackers will try to access your site using a browser configured to send malicious PHP code in its user agent string (a small piece of text used to describe the browser to your server). The idea is that buggy log processing software will parse it and allow the hacker to gain control of your website. When enabled, this feature allows Admin Tools to detect such attacks and block the request.
Some hackers will try to force a vulnerable extension into loading PHP code directly from their server. This is done by passing an http(s):// or ftp:// URL in their request, pointing to their malicious site. When this option is enabled, Admin Tools will look for such cases, try to fetch the remote URL and scan its contents. If it is found to contain PHP code, it will block the request.
![]() | Important |
If your site starts throwing white pages when submitting a URL in your site's front-end, please disable this option. The white page means that your server is not susceptible to this kind of attack and doesn't properly advertise this to Admin Tools when requested. In this case, Admin Tools crashes while trying to scan the contents of the remote location, causing the white page error. Disabling this option in such a case poses no security risk. |
Some hackers will try to read the files of your site using the php:// wrapper and some advanced PHP filters. When this option is enabled, Admin Tools will block every request that contains the php:// string.
Some hackers try to trick vulnerable components into loading arbitrary files. Depending on the vulnerable component, the file will either be output verbatim or parsed as a PHP file. This allows attackers to disclose sensitive information about your site or run malicious code uploaded to your site through another vulnerable vector, e.g. an unfiltered upload of executable PHP code. When this option is enabled, Admin Tools will search the request parameters for anything which looks like a file path. If one is found, it will be scanned. If it is found to contain PHP code, the request will be rejected.
![]() | Important |
This feature does NOT prevent dumping of non-PHP
files, e.g. the |
Prevents malicious input data which can be used to trick PHP's internal session handler into executing arbitrary code when it's restoring the user session.
The PHP session unserializer has a major bug which makes it misinterpret stored session data if they contain specific character combinations, overwriting the legitimate session data with the attacker-defined contents. Combined with some other features of PHP this can lead to the execution of arbitrary PHP code. In short, attackers can send malicious data in one page load and get arbitrary code to execute in the next page load. This feature of Admin Tools detects and blocks this kind of malicious data. CAUTION: It may block some legitimate requests as well.
![]() | Warning |
This attack vector is NOT unique to Joomla!. It is a low level PHP bug / vulnerability which was fixed only in PHP 5.5.4 and later versions. Furthermore, default PHP settings even in newer versions of PHP use the old, vulnerable setting, putting all sites using session data at risk! We VERY STRONGLY recommend that all our clients use PHP 5.5.4 or later and edit their php.ini to modify this line: session.serialize_handler = php to session.serialize_handler = php_serialize
This is the ONLY guaranteed way to fix this low level PHP vulnerability across all possible attack vectors, including those yet undiscovered. |
When enabled, all requests containing at least one word in the Bad Words list (configured separately, see the next sessions) will be blocked. By default the Bad Words list is empty; you have to configure it to match your site's needs. One good idea is to include pharmaceutical, luxury watches and shoes brand names, as this makes up the majority of comment and contact spam received on web sites.
Joomla's powerful frontend display comes, to a large extent, from being to configure its components and modules per menu item. Each menu item has a numeric ID, called “Itemid” in Joomla parlance. In fact, the Itemid is always present in the request parameters. When you have ‘Search Engine Friendly URLs’ turned off you can see it in the request. When it's enabled, Joomla automatically populates it from the URL query, i.e. the path in the URL you are using to access a page on your site (but in this case it can also be overridden in the URL). This is such a basic concept that Joomla's core code make the assumption that the Itemid is always a positive integer.
If someone makes a request with an Itemid which is not a
positive integer, for example something like
the slash after the number 123, it's part of the Itemid
value!), Joomla will throw an error and a PHP exception email
will be sent to you if you've configured this feature in Admin
Tools. In most cases it's due to a search engine having cached
an invalid URL like the one above. In some cases it might be a
malicious probe with a technique called fuzzing, i.e. sending
random data in known URL parameters to see if the site breaks
in a way that can be exploited by an attacker. While Joomla
itself will merely throw an exception, it is possible that
system plugins executing before Joomla's router kicks in read
the invalid Itemid and behave unexpectedly.
The ItemidShield deals with these requests in one of the following ways:
Off. The ItemidShield feature is turned off. Any random Itemid value will reach Joomla and its extensions.
Clean. The ItemidShield will try to convert the Itemid value to a positive integer. If it fails, it will unset it, letting Joomla figure out the routing from the URL's path if any. This is the default setting with a balanced approach which offers security without risking blocking anything important.
Block. The ItemidShield feature will inspect the Itemid value. If it is NOT a positive integer it will block the request and record it as a Blocked Request in Admin Tools' log. Repeat blocked requests may get the IP address temporarily or permanently banned per your Auto-ban settings. This is a very defensive setting, recommended for sites being probed relentlessly.
Joomla! has a number of query string parameters with a special meaning. These parameters cannot be used by extensions for any other purpose. Therefore, these parameters have a well-defined expected format. This feature checks whether these parameters follow this format. If not, the request is blocked.
Discrepancies between the expected format and the value in the HTTP request usually happen because of one of two reasons. The first reason is an attacker is trying to test your site for Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (Reflected XSS). In this case, the attacker tries to pass malicious JavaScript code, hoping that your template will output the malicious code verbatim in the output, making it executable. This can then be used to create maliciously crafted links which can lead to admins or users of your site getting hacked. The other reason is that there is a simple coding mistake in an extension, usually one which happens either under unexpected circumstances, or one which went by undetected because Joomla! “cleans” the content of core parameter query strings before using them. In the latter case, please contact the developer of the affected extension – NOT the developers of Admin Tools! – to address the problem in their code.
Admin Tools checks the value of the following query
string parameters to ensure they are either unset, or their
value follows the expected core Joomla! filter format for each
one of them. This Admin Tools feature DOES NOT inspect the
contents of each value, i.e. it does not try to make
inferences about their meaning and validity, with the sole
exception of the type
parameter when
(see below). The checks take place
twice: in the onAfterInitialise and onAfterRoute events. The
former runs as early as possible, checking the values coming
into the application from the request (checking the $_REQUEST,
$_GET, and $_POST PHP superglobals, as parsed by Joomla!). The
latter checks the same values after Joomla! has performed SEF
URL routing. Therefore, it makes sure that neither the request
contains tainted data, nor that a rogue database entry or
plugin corrupted the values of core variables.
Used to specify a component
name. Admin Tools only checks that the format follows the
CMD filter (see below), not whether the component
Used to specify the view of a
component. Admin Tools only checks that the format follows
the CMD filter (see below), not whether the view
Used to specify the task within a
controller of a component. Admin Tools only checks that
the format follows the CMD filter (see below), not whether
the task is valid for the view / controller.
Used to specify which
controller in a component will handle the request. This is
normally omitted, handled internally by the component.
Admin Tools only checks that the format follows the CMD
filter (see below), not whether the controller is valid
for the component.
Used to specify an alternative
layout (view template) for the component's output. Admin
Tools only checks that the format follows the CMD filter
(see below), not whether the layout is valid for the
component and view.
Used to tell Joomla! which file in
its current template (a.k.a. “system template”) will be
used to render the page output. Usual values are
(default, therefore normally omitted)
and component
(just the component output,
without any modules or other template chrome). Some
extensions or templates use values adhering to the format
but having no valid meaning in a template to trigger
extension-specific behaviour. This option in Admin Tools
only checks that the format follows the CMD filter (see
below), not whether the tmpl value makes sense; for the
latter, please see the Block tmpl=foo system
template switch feature.
Used to tell Joomla! which
template will be used to render the page output. Admin
Tools only checks that the format follows the CMD filter
(see below), not whether the template value makes sense;
for the latter, please see the Block template=foo site
template switch feature.
Used to tell Joomla! which
rendered to use for producing its output. The default
option is html
, which generates HTML output.
Other common options are xml
, json
, and
. When Joomla! does not know of a specific
renderer under this name, it defaults to raw
For this reason, Admin Tools only checks that the format
follows the CMD filter (see below), not whether there is a
renderer matching the value of this parameter.
Used to tell Joomla! which
installed language will be used to render the page. Note
that this is normally filled in by the language filter
plugin, not passed as a query string parameter. Admin
Tools only checks that the format follows the CMD filter
(see below), not that the language referenced is
installed; Joomla! will always fall back to the default
language when you ask it to render a page in a language
that is currently unavailable.
Used to tell Joomla! which menu
item is the active one. This Admin Tools feature only
checks whether the format follows the INT filter, not
whether the menu item exists. For a more detailed approach
to Itemid value filtering, please see the ItemidShield
feature. When both feature are enabled, ItemidShield runs
twice: before and after the Block Suspicious Core
Parameters feature (technically speaking: in the
onAfterInitialise and onAfterRoute Joomla! core events).
This is intentional: the Itemid may not be set in the
request, but retrieved from the database after Joomla!
performs SEF URL routing.
Used to tell Joomla!
which template style will be used to render the page. It
effectively overrides the template setting. Admin Tools
only checks that the format follows the UINT filter (see
below), not whether the template style value makes sense;
for the latter, please see the Block template=foo site
template switch feature.
Only applied when Preview Module
Positions is enabled in the options page of Joomla's
Templates component. This is used to tell Joomla! to
display the module positions on the page to help
developers identify the when deciding where to place a
module. Admin Tools ensures that the value of this
parameter when Preview Module Positions is enabled follows
the INT filter.
![]() | Note |
The name of the parameter, |
Only applied when
. In this case, the
parameter tells Joomla! whether to
render the feed as RSS or Atom. Since the only three
possible values in this case are unset / empty (defaults
to RSS), rss
, or atom
Tools ensures that this parameter both follows the CMD
filter format, and that its value is one of the three
allowed ones.
The meaning of the filters listed above is exactly what Joomla! defines them to be, namely:
CMD: a single piece of text consisting of any combination of the unaccented Latin letters a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9, and the special characters underscore, dot, and dash.
INT: An integer number, positive or negative.
UINT: A positive integer number.
This is a list of fully qualified domain names your site
can be accessed on, one domain per line. DO NOT enter http://
or https:// in front, do NOT enter the / after the domain name
or the path that follows it. This is a domain name, not a URL.
For example: example.com
. You do not need to enter
the www/non-www versions of the domain names or domain names
which resolve to the localhost IP address ( for IPv4
or ::1 for IPv6). If an attacker tries to access your site
with an HTTP Host header that does not match these domain
names (or their www/non-www versions) they will receive an
HTTP 400 Bad Request error message.
This feature mitigates a class of attacks called “HTTP
Host spoofing” which affects a stark
minority of servers, mostly servers which were set
up by someone who doesn't understand web server security
enough or at all. On those servers you can send an HTTP Host
header which confuses the server into believing that this is
the domain name it's running on. So, even though you are
accessing a site on www.example.com you can send it a
Host: www.evil.hack
HTTP header and now all URLs
generated by the server will use the www.evil.hack domain
name. This is used in phishing attacks to misdirect a
submitted form with login credentials to a server under the
attacker's control even though the browser's address bar shows
a legitimate domain name.
If you are on an affected server you are VERY STRONGLY recommended to use this feature INSTEAD OF setting the $live_site URL in configuration.php, the latter being the traditional but incorrect way of mitigating such an issue. Setting the $live_site URL limits your site to exactly one domain name (remember that example.com and www.example.com are two different domain names!) and protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS). Therefore using $live_site is extremely limiting and can cause your site to stop working if you try to enable/disable HTTPS everywhere in Joomla's Global Configuration, enable/disable www to non-www redirections etc. Moreover, the $live_site URL in configuration.php does NOT protect against all host spoofing attacks. What Admin Tools does will indeed protect all requests handled by Joomla against such attacks without causing any of the adverse effects of Joomla's recommended course of action.
WAF: Hardening Options (partial screenshot)
With the Hardening Options section you are able to harden the way some basic Joomla! features work. These are advanced settings, so please make sure you understand what each option does before you enable it.
This feature will prevent the creation of a user account whose username is one of the disallowed usernames.
The forbidden usernames are those which belong to the default forbidden username list, plus the Usernames explicitly forbidden set up below. However, any usernames in the Username explicitly allowed list below will not be blocked, even if it belongs to either of the previous two lists.
You can find the default list of forbidden usernames
(1062 entries) in the file
Usernames in this list will not be allowed for new user accounts. These usernames are forbidden on top of those in the default list described above.
Usernames in this list will be allowed for new user accounts. Use this to add exceptions to forbidden usernames found in the default list described above.
When this option is enabled, Admin Tools will connect to the Have I Been Pwned database and check if the hash of the current password is known. If a match is found, the user will be blocked from using an insecure password.
First of all, we do not share your password. We're only sending a fraction (only first 5 chars) of the hash of your password. This method is called k-anonymity and it's a very secure way to share sensitive data without compromising its privacy. Your password CAN NOT be derived from this partial information. If you want to read the whole details of this implementation, you can take a look at this page.
Regarding the external service, it is powered by two well known figures: Troy Hunt (a security research) and CloudFlare (leader in Content Deliver System services). The service is so important for the security of computer systems that even the United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) contributes to it.
Most likely you want to enable this feature only for specific groups: Admin Tools will check for well-known passwords only users belonging to those groups (default is Super Users)
Joomla allows all users who do not have the Super User permission to request a self-service password reset. This is typically through the “Forgot your password?” feature in the frontend login module and the frontend users component, both of which go through the frontend users component to send an email to the user to help them reset their password.
In some cases it is prudent to disallow this feature for certain types of users. For example, you may have user groups which do not have the Super User permission but can be critical to the operation of your site such as people doing end user support, handle personal or privileged information, control content publication workflows etc. A successful account takeover could have far-reaching implications for the operation of your site and/or business.
This feature allows you to disable the self-service password reset feature for users belonging in specific user groups.
Please note that this feature DOES NOT control whether users with Super User permissions are allowed to reset their password! Joomla itself automatically disallows self-service password resets for these users and this cannot be changed (it's a hard-coded check no third party plugin can change). This means that Super Users cannot reset their own password using the Forgot Your Password feature; this has to be done either by logging in and editing their user profile OR by having their user profile edited by another user with sufficient permissions to edit user profiles. This is a built-in Joomla feature, not under the control of Admin Tools.
Finally, please note that this feature only applies to self-service password resets sent by Joomla's frontend com_users component. It DOES NOT prevent third party software implementing its own password reset feature from allowing these users to reset their passwords.
Choose the user groups which will be prevented from using Joomla's self-service password reset. Only visible and applicable when the “Disable password reset for specific User Groups” option is enabled.
Only users which are directly assigned a user group will be disallowed to reset their password. That is to say, you cannot just select the Public group and expect nobody to be able to use this feature; the restriction is NOT applied to child user groups.
Also note that you do not need to select the Super Users group or any other group which grants the Super User permission. Joomla itself automatically disallows self-service password resets for these users and this cannot be changed (it's a hard-coded check no third party plugin can change). This means that Super Users cannot reset their own password using the Forgot Your Password feature; this has to be done either by logging in and editing their user profile OR by having their user profile edited by another user with sufficient permissions to edit user profiles. This is a built-in Joomla feature, not under the control of Admin Tools.
When enabled, Admin Tools will prevent editing a user which belongs to or is added to one of the user groups set in the option below. This restriction applies to the backend, frontend, and API applications and cannot be overridden even by Super Users.
If you do not select specific user groups, Admin Tools will apply this restriction to all users who can log into the site's backend.
The idea behind this feature is that it provides an additional protection against privilege escalation, and cross-site scripting attacks. For example, a malicious user may exploit a vulnerability in your browser, browser extension, or email programme to trick you into visiting a URL while logged into your site as a privileged user so that a known user account is granted privileged access to your site (e.g. Super User), or a new user account with privileged access is created. With this protection in place this will be impossible.
![]() | Important |
If you want to make any changes to a user account protected by this feature you need to temporarily disable this feature first. |
Choose the user groups which will be protected by the “Disable editing user properties” feature.
If you do not select specific user groups, Admin Tools will automatically determine which user groups have backend login privileges and protect them.
If your site has user groups which have elevated privileges in the frontend or backend of the site such as e-commerce store managers, forum moderator, support ticket system user agents etc we recommend that you select these user groups in addition to the standard privileged backend user groups (for most sites that would be Manager, Administrator, and Super Users).
This feature allows to prevent creating or editing users from the frontend of the site, as long as this users belong to or are added to one or more user groups selected in the option below. The default (when no group is selected) is to prevent editing or creating users which belong or are added to any group which has backend access privileges.
The idea behind this feature is that you should not be able to create a new user with administrative backend login privileges from the public frontend, as this creates an opportunity for privilege escalation. That is to say, if an attacker finds a vulnerability which allows them to surreptitiously create new user accounts which belong in one or more privileged user groups (e.g. Administrator, Super User, etc), or add an existing user account to privileged user groups they would be able to convert a standard, unprivileged account into something much more powerful with detrimental impact to the security of your site.
This feature addresses some of the most notorious zero day attacks in Joomla! which took place between 2015 and 2016 and we recommend having it turned on at all times. If you need to disable it we strongly recommend rethinking whatever leads you to disable this setting because it's creating a gaping security hole on your site.
Select the user groups the Disable creating / editing users from the frontend feature above applies to.
If you make no selection, Admin Tools will automatically determine which user groups have backend login privileges and apply this feature to these user groups.
If your site has user groups which have elevated privileges in the frontend of the site such as e-commerce store managers, forum moderator, support ticket system user agents etc we recommend that you select these user groups in addition to the standard privileged backend user groups (for most sites that would be Manager, Administrator, and Super Users).
When this is enabled and someone tries to change the Global Configuration of Joomla!, either from the back-end or the front-end, you will either be notified or they will get blocked (depending on your settings below). This feature is designed to protect you against sly hackers or malicious administrators who subtly change your site's configuration for nefarious purposes, e.g. by elevating the global privileges of user groups.
When this is enabled and someone tries to change the configuration of any core Joomla! or third party component (what you see when you click Options in a component's toolbar) from the back-end of your site you will either be notified or they will get blocked (depending on your settings below). This feature is designed to protect you against sly hackers or malicious administrators who subtly change your components' configuration for nefarious purposes, e.g. by elevating the privileges of user groups with regards to a particular component.
This option works in conjunction with the two above. You define what do you want to do when either global or component configuration is enabled and a change is detected in the configuration.
Email will simply send a warning email to the email addresses you've configured in Email this address after an automatic IP ban. The changes in configuration will go through. This is the recommended setting for most sites.
Block will treat any such changes as a reason to block the request. The changes in configuration will NOT go through. This setting should only be used on "locked down" sites where configuration changes are not expected (or will only be performed by an administrator who has adequate access to modify Admin Tools' configuration).
Critical files commonly modified by hackers (index.php, administrator/index.php and the index.php, error.php and component.php of all templates installed on the site) will be monitored for changes on every page load. If a change is detected, an email will be sent to the email addresses configured in Email this address on blocked request. This usually lets you get an ahead warning in case of a successful hacking attempt.
Admin Tools checks these files every time your site
loads a page. The size of the file, the file's last
modification date, the MD5 checksum of the file's contents and
the SHA-1 checksum of the file's contents are calculated by
PHP and compared against the information stored in the
database table #__admintools_storage
(where #__ is the common table name
prefix of your site, as defined in your site's
file), in the row with
the key criticalfiles
. If any of this
information has changed since the last request to your site,
Admin Tools considers the file changed and triggers an email
to you about changed files. Every time a change is detected
the aforementioned information for each file is updated in the
#__admintools_storage database table.
This way you will not get any further e-mails about the
changed file unless it changes once again.
It is possible for an external application or process to modify these files, then restore them back to their previous state — including the last modified date. If a request to your site takes place while any of these files is in a modified state you will receive an email. This may be perceived as a “false positive” because by the time you check your site again the change has been reverted. This is NOT a false positive, something really DID change. Admin Tools deliberately sends you an email because this is something which can also happen during a legitimate attack: the attacker modifies one of these files to gain access to your site, then covers up their tracks by restoring the file to its previous state.
It is also possible that you will receive an email if someone or something modifies the #__admintools_storage database table row. In this case the contents of the database table may not reflect the files currently on the server's filesystem. As a result, Admin Tools perceives the files as changed. For example, this may happen if the host automatically rolled back the state of your database or when you restore a database-only backup / SQL dump of your database.
Finally, you will most likely receive this kind of email
after updating the Joomla version on your site, after updating
your site's template, and after updating the Global
Configuration of your site — even if this happens
automatically without your interaction. In both cases some of
the critical files have changed. When you
update Joomla its index.php
files are
changed. When you update your template its
, error.php
and component.php
files are changed. When
you save your site's Global Configuration —or a third party
extension or external software updates your site's Global
Configuration— the configuration.php
is changed. These are expected changes. If they happen without
your knowledge you should track down what is causing them and
decide whether it's acceptable behaviour or not.
Monitor the following files (one per line) for changes. If a change is detected, an email will be sent to the email addresses configured in Email this address on blocked request.
The file paths must be entered relative to the site's root, without a leading forward slash.
Admin Tools will keep track of the user accounts with Super User access. If a new Super User is added outside of Joomla's Users page, an email will be sent to the email addresses configured in Email this address on blocked request. Moreover, the detected new Super User accounts will be automatically blocked. The idea is that these Super Users are most likely create as the result of a hack or rogue code.
Please note that users created or added by other Super Users in the backend of the site using Joomla's Users page will NOT be blocked by this feature. If you wish to disable this please use the Disable editing backend users' properties feature.
When enabled, Admin Tools will disable the Joomla! Two Factor Authentication (2FA) / Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configuration for a user when they are resetting their password.
Joomla! allows every user of the site to enable MFA for their user account. In case the user misplace their MFA device or is otherwise unable to use MFA they are given emergency one time passwords. However, many people forget to note them down or do not understand how to use them. Every time they cannot use MFA they have to contact an administrator of the site to disable MFA on their account. Even worse, when the user is a Super User themselves they have no way to disable MFA without editing the database. This is where this Admin Tools feature comes in handy.
The workflow is the following: The locked out user starts by using the "Forgot your password?" link in Joomla! to request a password reset. The receive an email with instructions. They follow the link which takes them back to the site where they enter their username and the password reset authorisation code found in the email. Now they enter their new password. When the password changes, the "Disable Joomla!'s Two-Factor Authentication on password reset" feature of Admin Tools kicks in and disables MFA on this user's account. The user can now log in to the site using just their username and password.
![]() | Important |
Please remember that this ONLY applies to the MFA feature built in Joomla! itself. If you are using third party Two Factor Authentication / Multi-Factor Authentication solutions this option will have NO effect on them. |
![]() | Caution |
We recommend AGAINST using this option because it can degrade the security of your user accounts. If an attacker gains control of the email account of a privileged user of your site, e.g. an Administrator or Super User, they will be able to reset their password AND disable their Two Factor Authentication at the same time. This will allow them to log into and take over your site. We strongly advise you to instead use more than one authentication methods in Joomla's Multi-Factor Authentication. We recommend using passkeys as your MFA method, setting up at least two separate passkeys handled by two separate devices. Alternatively, you can set up and use passkeys for logging into your site (you need your username and your passkey, not your password). This method bypasses the MFA and is far more secure than using a username, password and MFA to log into your site. Please note that many Joomla! 5.1 versions have a bug where they will ask you for MFA even if you use a passkey for authentication. This bug has been identified, but is unlikely to be fixed before Joomla! 5.2. |
When enabled, it will not be possible for Super Administrators to log in to your site's front-end. This is a security precaution against password brute forcing. One common method is an attacker trying to login to the front-end of your site as a Super Administrator, trying different password until he finds the correct one. When this option is enabled, he will not be able to log in as a Super Administrator in the front-end of the site, crippling this brute forcing method of determining the Super Administrator password.
When enabled, failed login attempts of any kind of user (even simple registered users) count as a reason to block the request and are being logged in Admin Tools' Blocked Requests Log. There is a very useful implication to that. Since they count as security blocked requests they count towards the limit you set up in the automatic IP blocking. Therefore, after a number of failed login attempts, the user's IP will be automatically blocked for the duration you have set up.
![]() | Warning |
This feature can very easily get you locked out of your site. We strongly advise you to not use it unless all your backend users are using a password manager or passkeys for authentication. |
By default, when a failed login is treated as a blocked request no other information is logged except the IP address of the failed login. This is very unhelpful if a user gets blocked and they can't figure out what is their IP address. Enabling this option will also log the username they used for the failed login. The downside is that your Blocked Requests Log now contains the usernames of all failed logins which can be a privacy issue if the log file is leaked to an attacker or other unauthorised person due to a vulnerability in a third party extension or by a mistake by one of the administrators of the site.
Please note that Admin Tools WILL NOT log passwords for failed logins and we WILL NOT consider any feature request to implement this kind of option. If were to log failed logins' passwords we'd be essentially storing a password the user may be using on a different service OR a slight variation of their real password in plain text in the database. This can be a major security concern.
Admin Tools can optionally deactivate existing user accounts when there are multiple failed attempts to log in using their username, protecting user accounts from brute force attacks. In here you can specify the number of failed logins and the time period these have to occur before the user is deactivated, e.g. 3 failed logins in 1 minute.
In order for this feature to work you must have enabled
the Treat failed logins as a reason for blocking the
request option above and NOT include Login
in the Do not log these
reasons option in the Logging And
Reporting area of this configuration page.
The behaviour of this feature depends on the user
registration setup of your site, as defined in
Allow User
Registration is set to No
Admin Tools feature does not do anything at all! When
Allow User Registration is set to
there are three possible behaviours
depending on the setting of the New User Account
Activation option:
: The user is deactivated and
an activation email is sent to them by Admin Tools using
the User re-activation
: The user is deactivated and
an activation email is sent to all of your site's Super
Users by Admin Tools using the User
email template.
: This Admin Tools feature does
absolutely nothing at all. The user is not deactivated and
the fields for this feature are not editable. You are also
shown an error message stating “User registration on your
site is disabled, therefore Admin Tools can't deactivate
There are three further options, Number of failed logins, Failed logins period, and Unit of time measurement which control after how many failed logins in which period of time the account will be disabled.
![]() | Warning |
This feature can be abused to lock you out of your site (Denial of Service). We strongly recommend using it together with Forbid frontend Super User Login and either Administrator Secret URL Parameter or Administrator Password Protection to prevent this situation. |
Display a message in browser console to warn the user to avoid running any command inside it. This can lead to hacking yourself (a.k.a. Self XSS attacks) and steal your account data.
Admin Tools can block user registration based on the email domain they are using (listed in the field below):
Allow Will allow registration only if the email domain is contained inside the list. A typical use case is to allow registration only from site company addresses or student of a campus
Block Registration will be blocked if the user tries to use a domain contain in the list. This is usually useful if you want to block people from using temporary or disposable email accounts.
Enter one domain per line. Having no non-empty lines disables this feature.
Below that you will find the Forgotten backend users section. This feature lets you automatically block or force a password reset for users with backend access who have not logged into the site for a very long time. This feature was inspired by a tweet by Jeff Atwood (of Discourse fame) and our observations by logging into real world sites when our clients request us to do so.
The idea is that privileged user accounts who have not logged into the site for a very long time are probably left over user accounts the site owner forgot to disable when the person stopped having a reason to log into the site's administrator backend. The password of the forgotten user account may have been compromised in the meantime. For example, the user may have reused their password on a different site which got hacked; or they may had used an easy to guess password. If Two Factor Authentication isn't enabled on the account, an attacker who has successfully compromised the password could now log into your site. Since they are using a legitimate user account they do not get their request blocked and they have full access to your site with everything that entails about your site's integrity.
This Admin Tools feature is designed to prevent this kind of awkward situation. If a user with backend access has not logged in for the configured time period (default: 90 days) they will either be completely blocked from accessing the site or they will be forced to reset their password (default and recommended action). In the first case only another Super User can unblock them, by editing their user account. In the latter case the user will try to log in and Joomla! will immediately force them to reset their password. Password reset requires providing information sent by email. This way an attacker cannot use a compromised password; they cannot read the email sent to the legitimate account holder's email address, therefore they cannot reset the password and log into your site.
For even better protection of your site we recommend that you take two more optional steps. Make sure that all privileged users have Two Factor Authentication set up on their user account. Joomla has Two Factor Authentication built in. Alternatively, you can use our more thorough, free of charge Akeeba LoginGuard extension to provide Two Step Verification (it also lets you force certain user groups to enable it). Moreover, it is recommended to have inactive user accounts automatically deleted. This can be done, for example, with our free of charge Akeeba DataCompliance component for Joomla! (however, it will not delete Super User accounts by default to prevent any accidents -- deletion through Akeeba DataCompliance is irreversible by design as it implements the GDPR requirements of Data Minimization and the Right To Be Forgotten).
The following options are available for this feature:
Should this feature be enabled at all?
For performance reasons, this feature only runs periodically, checking which backend user accounts are inactive and disabling / forcing a password reset on them. Here you can define how often it will run. The default is 60 minutes which means that it will run at most once every 60 minutes. Other useful values are 1440 (at most once a day) and 10080 (at most once a week).
Which user groups this feature should apply to? We recommend choosing at the very least the Administrator and Super User groups. If you have other user groups with backend login we recommend you add them as well.
If you do not specify any groups, or choose the "Show All Groups" option, Admin Tools will consider users from all user groups which have the Admin Login privilege, as set up in the Global Configuration of your site.
Even though you can select user groups without backend access they are NOT taken into account. The user groups list is rendered by Joomla! and it does not provide a way to remove user groups which lack backend access.
Users who have not logged into the site for at least this many days will be blocked or forced to reset their password. The default is 90 days (three months). Reasonable values are between 30 and 365 days. If you set this to 0 or leave this blank the feature will effectively be disabled.
What should Admin Tools do with the user accounts which have not logged in for a long time?
Block means that the user will be completely blocked from accessing the site. This is implemented by setting the Block User to Yes. The blocked users cannot unblock themselves. A Super User will have to do that by editing the user from the Joomla backend Users, Manage menu item.
Force Password Reset is the recommended and selected by default method. In this case the user account is allowed to log in but they will have to immediately reset their password and log back in before they can do anything on the site. The password reset takes place through Joomla's built in password reset method. It is NOT handled by Admin Tools.
Any users you select here are not going to be prevented from logging into the site. We recommend that you add the site owner here. Moreover, if you are building a site for a client, you should add your user account as well. This will let you log into the site to provide technical assistant should your client require it.
It is worth noting that if Login prevention method is set to Block and Protected Users is empty Admin Tools will NOT block ANY Super Users, even if they haven't logged in for a time period longer than the specified maximum number of days. This is a precaution against losing all access to the site by accident (if all Super Users get blocked then nobody is left to unblock you). If you have a site with multiple Super Users and use the Block method you MUST specify at least one Protected User for Admin Tools to provide a sensible level of protection against forgotten user accounts.
Controls what happens when a user enables login with passkey on their account.
Always allowed (Joomla default)
The user can log in with either a passkey or a
Let the users decide
. The users can
decide for themselves if they want to disable password
login on their accounts.
Disabled for back-end users, allowed for
. Users with backend access will not be
allowed to log into the site with a password; they will
have to use their passkey. Everyone else can login with a
password or a passkey.
The reason this feature exists is that passkeys are far more secure than passwords coupled with Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Passwords can be guessed or stolen. Many forms of MFA can possibly be defeated either with a brute force attack, or with a “spearphishing” attack. In the end of the day, MFA is only as strong as the weakest link – and having recovery codes is exactly that, so even if you use passkeys as your MFA it might not be as safe as you would like it to be.
Using passkeys for logging in instead of a password, on the other hand, is the most secure method possible. The passkey is cryptographically tied to the specific user account, enforces the use of HTTPS, and the web browser validates you are on the correct domain thereby making phishing attacks impossible. Again, this is only as strong an authentication option as the least secure authentication option available for your user account. If that option is a password, you are not safe. Hence the need to disable password logins and why this feature exists.
WAF: Cloaking
The next section is called Cloaking and contains options to allow you to modify the way several features in Joomla! which are frequently exploited by attackers to locate Joomla! sites work. The idea is that potential attackers use automated tools to scan thousands of sites, trying to identify which of them run Joomla! in order to attack them. Using these options will allow you to "cloak" your site against such fingerprinting (scanning) attacks.
All Joomla! installations set the meta generator tag, a piece of HTML in the header of all pages, to advertise the fact that your site is running on Joomla!. This information is cached by search engines and is exploited by attackers to deduce that your site is running Joomla! when looking for potential targets. Enabling this option allows to set up a custom generator tag.
Enter the custom content of the generator meta tag. This will be applied on all frontend HTML pages generated by Joomla.
One of the lesser known Joomla! features are its system
templates. The value of the tmpl keyword tells Joomla which
.php file in the template's folder it will use to render the
page. For example, ?tmpl=component
tells Joomla to
use the component.php file which renders only the component
output, without any modules, menus or other embellishments on
the page. Of and by itself this feature is not dangerous.
However, hackers have realized that this feature is being
abused by badly architectured plugins and components beyond
the intended purpose in Joomla itself. This badly constructed
third party software expects non-standard values in the tmpl
keyword to do something specific, e.g. handle AJAX requests,
update a shopping cart etc. The downside is that depending on
how this is implemented it may open a security hole, e.g. if
the code parsing the tmpl keyword in a third party extension
gets confused by certain types of data and executes arbitrary
code or does something unintended. For this reason Admin Tools
has the Block tmpl=foo system template switch feature which
will block any request that does not have one of the expected
tmpl keywords for your site.
The list of tmpl keywords which should be allowed of
your site, as a comma separated list. At the very least you
MUST include system and component, otherwise Joomla! will not
work properly. Default value:
The component, system and raw keywords are defined and used by Joomla itself. tmpl=component tells Joomla to only show the component output, without any modules, menus or other embellishments – however, the template's CSS files are loaded. tmpl=raw has a similar effect to tmpl=component, without loading the template's CSS files at all. tmpl=system is used for displaying error pages. Your site will NOT work properly if you remove any of these keywords from the list of allowed tmpl keywords.
![]() | Note |
So, basically, they added the custom "koowa" tmpl keyword to work around restrictions imposed by templates. The correct solution would be using tmpl=raw&format=raw but they decided otherwise. Therefore we include this keyword by default. If you are not using any extension powered by Koowa you are advised to remove that keyword from your site. |
![]() | Note |
The |
Another Joomla! hidden feature is the ability to switch between installed templates by passing a special URL parameter called "template", and between template styles using a special URL parameter called "templateStyle". Enabling this option will turn off this hidden Joomla! feature.
Enabling this option partially overrides the previous option (the blocking of template=foo in the URL). If the template= URL query parameter specifies the name of a template which exists in your template directory, or the templateStyle= URL query parameter specifies the ID of a template style which exists in your site's database and is enabled, then it will be allowed without the request being blocked.
If both a template and a templateStyle parameter is defined, both parameters must be valid for the request to be allowed. It is possible that the template and templateStyle point to different templates each; this is not checked by Admin Tools as it's internally resolved by Joomla (the templateStyle parameter has priority over the template parameter).
![]() | Important |
If you are using the "Send this page by email" icon in your articles and/or multiple templates on your site, you MUST enable this option. |
You MUST enable this option if you want your site visitors to be able to use Joomla!'s com_mailto component, i.e. the "Send this page by email" icon in your articles.
Moreover, you must use it on sites which are using more
than one template at the same time. What we mean by that is
that you can go to Joomla!'s back-end, go to Extensions,
Templates and assign any of the installed templates to any
number of menu items. When you do that, several components
need to append
the URL. This would cause your site to block the request. By
enabling this option you prevent these requests from being
accidentally blocked.
Whether the 404 Shield feature should be enabled or not.
This feature 404 will block irregular "Page not found"
requests which typically indicate that your site is being
targeted by an automatic vulnerability scanner or hacking
tool. For example, someone trying to access the folder
on your Joomla site is irregular since
that folder is the administration area of WordPress. Since
your site is running Joomla it means that the request to your
site was very likely malicious, e.g. an automated tool (bot)
trying to guess your access credentials by trying various
common combinations of usernames and passwords. In this light,
the request has to be blocked.
The default list of URLs to be blocked by 404Shield consists of known WordPress-only paths. That's because we know that these URLs cannot be found on a Joomla site and are typically used by automated hacking tools, therefore minimising the possibility of false positives. You can always add more if you want to.
The default list is:
WAF: Project Honeypot
Project Honeypot allows you to integrate with Project Honeypot's spam fighting services. Project Honeypot is a collective effort to detect spammers, email harversters and crackers. Its HTTP:BL service allows participants to query the IP addresses of their visitors and figure out if it is a malicious user behind it. If you enable this feature, Admin Tools will check the IP address of each visitor and, if it is a malicious user, it will block him. You have the following options:
Turns the entire feature on and off
Enter your HTTP:BL key. You can sign up for Project Honeypot and get your key at http://www.projecthoneypot.org/httpbl_configure.php.
Project Honeypot uses a logarithmic "threat rating" to rank the possibility of a specific IP being a spammer. This options defines the minimum threat level an IP must have before it's blocked. A value of 25 means that this IP has submitted 100 spam messages on Project Honeypot's spam catching honeypots and is usually a safe indication that it belongs to a spammer. Do note that the rating is logarithmic. A value of 50 means 1,000 spam messages and a value of 75 means one million spam messages. Do not set it to values over 50, as you will most likely never block any spammer at all.
Project Honeypot reports when was the last time this IP was caught sending spam messages. The older this is (the higher the age is), the less likely is that this IP is still used by a spammer. You can chose here what will be the maximum reported age that will be blocked. The default value of 30 means that IPs which have submitted a spam message in the last 30 days will be blocked.
Sometimes Project Honeypot is not sure if an IP belongs to a spammer or it's a hapless chap who clicked on the wrong link. In this case the IP is marked as "suspicious". The default behaviour is to not block these IPs. However, if you are receiving a lot of spam it's a good idea to enable this feature and block even "suspicious" IPs. Ultimately, some unfortunate users will be inadvertently blocked, so use this option with caution!
WAF: Exceptions
Sometimes you do not want to block certain IPs or domain names. For example, you don't want to block Google Bot, MSN (Bing) Bot and so on. You can easily add Exceptions from blocking. You can set the following options to prevent Admin Tools from blocking certain IPs and domain names:
Enter the IP addresses or address blocks which should never be automatically blocked.
Malicious URLs from these domain names WILL be blocked but a. this will not be logged and b. their IP address will not be automatically blocked by the "Auto-ban Repeat Offenders" feature below.
The purpose of this feature is similar to the Allowed Domains feature below, when you don't have a common domain name, just IP addresses. It makes sense to use this feature for the IP addresses of search engine bots, known external servers accessing your site (e.g. payment service providers sending callbacks to your site, site scanners, CloudFlare, Sucuri, etc).
![]() | Important |
Do NOT add the IP of a blocked user to the Never Block These IPs list when you unblock a user. The vast majority of IP addresses are dynamically assigned by the user's Internet Service Provider and will change in a matter of minutes to weeks (typically: in a few hours). This has two knock-on effects for you:
Always try to address the reason a user was blocked instead of putting their IP address in the Never Block These IPs list. |
You can enter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the following formats:
Single IPv4 or IPv6 address e.g.
or ::1
IPv4 address range e.g.
IPv4 implied range e.g. 127.0.0.
for the entire to block
IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block notation e.g.
You may enter a dynamic IP domain name prefixed by the
at-sign (for IPv4) or hash-sign (for IPv6). This only applies
if you are using a dynamic IP address domain provider (e.g.
DynDNS). For example, if you are using DynDNS and your dynamic
IP address domain name is example.dyndns.info and resolves to
an IPv4 address you can enter
to always allow your
dynamic IPv4 address. Conversely, if your dynamic hostname
resolves to an IPv6 address you can enter
to always allow your
dynamic IPv4 address. Be careful to enter the correct domain
name or you may have a delay of up to 30" processing blocked
![]() | Tip |
If you are using the Exclusive Allow IP List feature to allow access to the administrator section of your site only to specific IPs, these IPs are automatically added to the safe list of IPs which should never be automatically blocked. You do not have to enter them here. |
The default list of IP addresses lists the known good IP addresses of the search bot of the DuckDuckGo search engine:,,,,,,,,,,,, The source of that list of IP addresses is the official DuckDuckBot documentation at https://help.duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/duckduckbot/
If the IP address of the visitor whose request would be blocked resolves to a domain name ending in what you enter here they will not be blocked. Effectively, these domain names have a free pass on your site.
![]() | Warning |
Malicious URLs from these domain names WILL be blocked but a. this will not be logged and b. their IP address will not be automatically blocked by the "Auto-ban Repeat Offenders" feature below. This is done to protect your site against reflected search engine attacks. Let us explain this. Some hackers try to exploit search engines' eagerness to scan URLs, crafting malicious URLs to your site and putting them on their own sites. Search engines will see them and try to visit them on your site. You are explicitly allowing these search engines as you don't want to lock them out of your site. If the malicious URL wasn't blocked just because the request comes from a seemingly innocent source your site would be instantly hacked. That's why the malicious URLs are still blocked, just not logged or cause IP addresses to be automatically banned. |
The default list of domain names is
.crawl.baidu.com, .crawl.baidu.jp, .google.com,
.googlebot.com, .search.msn.com, .crawl.yahoo.net, .yandex.ru,
.yandex.net, .yandex.com
which allows the search engine
indexers for Baidu, Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex.
The source of this information is the following official documentation URLs of various search engines (in alphabetic order):
WAF: Auto-ban
This feature allows you to automatically and temporarily ban IP addresses which get repeatedly blocked. This can be prove to be an effective measure against malicious users who try to probe your site for vulnerabilities. You MUST enable logging of blocked requests for this feature to work. You can set the following options to define how Admin Tools will behave in those cases:
When requests from an IP address are blocked a certain number of times within a specified time period, as defined by the next three options, the IP address will be temporarily from accessing the site.
This feature is meant to be used as an additional defence against bots attacking your site. You should keep the Block After time period relatively short (in the range of a few seconds to a few minutes) and the number of detected attacks relative high. Otherwise a number of false positives or more innocuous block reasons such as trating failed logins as a block reason could result in your or your visitors' IP addresses being blocked.
For the same reason you should keep the block time relatively short, between a few minutes to an hour. Otherwise a legitimate visitor blocked accidentally due to false positives will be unable to access your site in a practical amount of time, losing you that site visitor possibly forever.
When requests from an IP address are blocked at least this many times within the period of time defined by the next two options it will be temporarily blocked from accessing the site. For example, if you set it to 3 attacks in 1 hour, Admin Tools will disallow access from an IP address which got at least 3 of its requests blocked within the last hour.
The number of blocked requests defined above must occur within this many seconds, minutes, hours or days. You enter the number here; you choose the unit of time measurement in the option below.
The unit of time measurement for the “Time period” setting above. Choose one of seconds, minutes, days or hours.
How long the block will last. For example, setting it to 1 day will block all access from this IP address for a whole day. Enter the number in this field, select the unit of time measurement in the next field.
The unit of time measurement for the “Block duration” setting above. Choose one of seconds, minutes, days or hours.
If an IP triggers this many auto-bans it will be permanently banned (added to the IP Disallow List) if they are about to be auto-banned again. Make sure that you turn on the IP Disallow List feature by setting Disallow site access to IPs in the IP Disallow List to Yes, otherwise the permanent adding to the IP Disallow List will have no effect.
When the previous option is enabled, after how many auto-bans an IP will be permanently banned (added to the IP Disallow List).
Admin Tools can optionally send you an email when an IP is automatically banned, to the email address entered in this field. This will allow you, for example, to determine if some IP is being regularly blocked, in which case it may be a good idea to place it in the permanent IP black list. Leave this field empty (default) to disable this feature.
Allows you to show a specific message to blocked IP addresses. You may want to explain to the user that his IP was blocked because suspicious activity was detected as originating from his IP address.
You can use the special text [IP]
all capital letters, without spaces between the brackets and
IP, to display the user's IP in the message. This may be
useful if someone gets accidentally blocked and asks you to
help them.
WAF: Logging & reporting
In the Logging and reporting section you can change the way Admin Tools logs and reports various activity items and blocked requests on your site.
Whenever an unhandled PHP exception is raised (ie an error on a database query), Admin Tools will send an email containing all the details (time, file and line raising the exception) for later debugging.
Please note that emails sent from this feature contain information about errors on the public frontend of your site coming from any software installed on your site, be it Joomla! itself or one of the third party extensions you have installed. In the vast majority of cases, these errors do NOT come from Admin Tools. We cannot offer support for any issues coming from third party software. Please contact the developer of the software causing the error, not us.
When enabled, the IP new users signed up from will be stored as User Notes.
![]() | Important |
This feature is guaranteed to work only when a user registers to your site using the front-end user registration form provided by Joomla!. Users created through the back-end will not have their IP saved as a User Note because it makes no sense to do so (it's an administrator registering the user account on their behalf). Third party components creating new user accounts may also not trigger the plugin event. |
If the option above is enabled, select the category under which the User Note containing the sign-up IP address will be stored. The default is to use the default category Joomla! creates for user notes, titled “Uncategorised”.
It is advised to create a new category named something like “Sign-up Information”. To do that, go to Users, User Note Categories from the sidebar of your site, then click on the New button in the toolbar.
It is suggested to keep this option enabled. When enabled, all potential security issues —blocked by Admin Tools— will be logged in the database and made available under the
tool. This is required for the automatic IP blocking feature to work.Please note that turning off this feature will also disable the debug log file, even if the option below is set to Yes.
![]() | Important |
When this option is turned off the automatic IP blocking of repeat offenders, automatic adding of IPs to the IP Disallow List and most email notification features will be deactivated. |
Blocked requests due to these blocking reasons will not be logged. As a result, IPs getting their requests repeatedly blocked because of this reason will not be automatically banned from your site. Moreover, as there is no log, it will be impossible to tell why someone is being blocked from accessing your site when they trigger one of those reasons.
For a list of what each reason means please consult the list of WAF log reasons. You can start typing or click on on the field to show the list of reasons.
The default setting is an empty list.
It is suggested to keep this option disabled unless you are troubleshooting.
When enabled, Admin Tools will create a file named
in your site's
directory (or wherever
you have configured your logs directory to be). This contains
all the information sent in the request that Admin Tools
blocked. This may include sensitive
information such as usernames, passwords and personally
identifiable information. For this reason you must
only enable this feature for a limited amount of time when
troubleshooting. We may ask you to do this, and send us a copy
of the log file, if you ask us for support.
The file has an extension of .php and begins with a PHP die() statement to prevent direct web access if your log directory is accidentally left web accessible. An attacker may try to access the file but all they will get is a blank page.
When you disable that option, the existing log files will be removed once you visit Admin Tools' Control Panel page again.
Do note that your logs directory MUST be writable for the log file to be generated.
Some servers use automated file scanners which will mistakenly flag Admin Tools' log file as a security threat. Because of that they might issue an automated warning to you that your site is hacked, rename / delete the file or prevent web access to your site (put it offline). This is a mistake and does not reflect the truth. Our log file does have an executable extension (.php) and does contain the signatures of hacking attempts (the hacking attempts it stopped from hacking your site!) BUT the hacking attempts signature themselves are NOT executable. In fact, the only reason this is a .php file is so that we can put a PHP die() statement at the top of the file to prevent it from being executable over the web. This information is also printed at the top of the file, in its header. If your host is giving you grief about the log file please show them this documentation page or ask them to actually review the file and read its header. If they still insist that they have to block your site please go to a different host that understands how PHP works and, by extent, is a much safer choice. In the meantime, just disable the Keep a debug log file option.
Admin Tools will provide you with a link to look up the owner of an IP address in the emails it sends you, as well as the Blocked Requests Log and Auto IP Blocking Administrator pages. By default, it uses the ip-lookup.net service. This option allows you to use a different IP lookup service if you so wish.
As of Admin Tools 7, the IP lookup service MUST use HTTPS since you are sending it IP addresses. Doing so over plain HTTP may carry privacy and/or security risks.
Enter the URL of the IP lookup service you want to use
in this text box. The {ip}
part of the URL
will be replaced with the IP address to look up. For example,
the default URL (using ip-lookup.net) is
Enter one or more email addresses (separated by commas)
which will get notified whenever a request is blocked on your
site. For example [email protected]
for one
recipient only or [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
for multiple
recipients. The email addresses need not be in the same domain
name and don't even need to be users of the site itself. Any
email address will do.
A "blocked request" is anything which triggers the Web Application Firewall and causes it to block an incoming request to serve a page. This is useful to get an ahead warning in the event of a bot trying to perform a series of attacks on your site.
The contents of the e-mails can be configured using the Email Templates feature in the Web Application Firewall page.
![]() | Important |
This is meant to be used only during the initial set up phase of your site, or whilst troubleshooting a problem you suspect may be related to Admin Tools. Using this feature during the normal operation of your site is a bad idea. If your site is under heavy attack from a bot network it will result in hundreds or thousands of emails being sent from your site. This has two major effects. First, sending an email is a slow process which adds to the page load time, thus amplifying the effects of an attack. Second, it might clog up your inbox or cause your hosting / email provider to suspend or disable email sending from your site. These effects could hinder your ability to recover from an ongoing attack. As a result, we very strongly recommend that you EMPTY the contents of this option whilst your site is operating under production conditions. |
Blocked requests caused by these blocking reasons will not result in an email being sent to the email address specified in "Email this address on blocked request".
For a list of what each reason means please consult the list of WAF log reasons. You can start typing or click on on the field to show the list of reasons.
The default setting is empty.
![]() | Important |
Keeping this setting empty is only advisable when you are first configuring Admin Tools your site, or when you are troubleshooting an issue. During normal operation you are advised to put at
least the following: For best performance of your site we strongly
recommend that during normal operation of your site you put
all available options in this setting
except for Why you should follow these instructions. When your site is under heavy attack your web server is struggling to provide the necessary resources to process the concurrent requests. Sending e-mails will use even more resources for each blocked request. As a result, it will take much longer for the various concurrently processed requests to reach the execution point where Admin Tools can “see” the blocked requests from a single IP and block it. This may result in you receiving hundreds of emails over the course of several minutes even if you have told Admin Tools to block an IP after 3 blocked requests in one minute; all these emails were sent by requests blocked within seconds from each other, but due to how busy the server was they were only sent with a big delay. Disabling email sending alleviates this congestion during a very heavy concurrent attack, and attackers' IP addresses are blocked much faster – it takes about 3 to 20 more requests than you've configured. |
Enter an email address which will get notified whenever
someone successfully logs in to your site's administrator
back-end. If you do not wish to use this feature, leave this
field blank. If you enter an email address, every time someone
logs in to the administrator area an email will be sent out to
this email address stating the username and site name. If you
want to send a notification to multiple email addresses
separate them with commas, e.g. [email protected],
[email protected]
. The email addresses do not need to
be in the same domain and they don't even have to be linked to
users of your site.
This allows you to get instant notification of unexpected administrator area logins which are a tell-tale sign of a hacked site. In that unlikely event, immediately log in to your site's back-end area, go to Extensions, Admin Tools and click on the Emergency Off-Line Mode button. This will cut off the attacker's access to the entirety of your site and gives you ample time to upgrade your site and its extensions, as well as change the password (and maybe the username) of the compromised Super Administrator account. For maximum security, after taking your site back on-line, log out, clear your browser's cookies and cache and log in again.
The contents of the e-mails can be configured using the Email Templates feature in the Web Application Firewall page.
Enter an email address which will get notified whenever
someone tries to log in to your site's administrator back-end
but is denied access. If you do not wish to use this feature,
leave this field blank. If you enter an email address, every
time someone unsuccessfully tries to log in to the
administrator area an email will be sent out to this email
address stating the username and site name. If you want to
send a notification to multiple email addresses separate them
with commas, e.g. [email protected],
[email protected]
. The email addresses do not need to
be in the same domain and they don't even have to be linked to
users of your site.
This allows you to get instant notification of unexpected administrator area login attempts which are a tell-tale sign of a hacked site. In that unlikely event, immediately log in to your site's back-end area, go to Extensions, Admin Tools and click on the Emergency Off-Line Mode button. This will cut off the attacker's access to the entirety of your site and gives you ample time to upgrade your site and its extensions, as well as change the password (and maybe the username) of a potentially compromised Super Administrator account. For maximum security, after taking your site back on-line, log out, clear your browser's cookies and cache and log in again.
The contents of the e-mails can be configured using the Email Templates feature in the Web Application Firewall page.
![]() | Important |
This is meant to be used only during the initial set up phase of your site, or whilst troubleshooting a problem you suspect may be related to Admin Tools. Using this feature during the normal operation of your site is a bad idea. If your site is under heavy attack from a bot network it will result in hundreds or thousands of emails being sent from your site. This has two major effects. First, sending an email is a slow process which adds to the page load time, thus amplifying the effects of an attack. Second, it might clog up your inbox or cause your hosting / email provider to suspend or disable email sending from your site. These effects could hinder your ability to recover from an ongoing attack. As a result, we very strongly recommend that you EMPTY the contents of this option whilst your site is operating under production conditions. |
WAF: Customisation
The Customisation section allows you to change the way Admin Tools presents the error message to people who are denied access to the site.
By default, Admin Tools uses a generic message ("We detected that your latest request may have been part of suspicious activity and has been blocked. If you believe you are getting this message in error please let us know through our site's contact form.") when a request is blocked. Considering that this may not be exactly the kind of message you want your visitors to see, we allow you to customise it. Just type in the message to be shown to site visitors when a request is blocked.
By default, the Custom Message will be shown using Joomla!'s standard error message page. This is not always desirable, as that page lacks proper styling and admittedly looks very cheesy. When this option is enabled, however, Admin Tools will use a customisable HTML template.
The default HTML template file is located in the
DIRECTLY! It will be overwritten on each upgrade.
Instead, you will have to do a template override. For more
information regarding template overrides, please consult Joomla!'s
documentation wiki page.
Some Admin Tools administrative functions have the potential to make your site behave in a way you didn't expect or even lock you out of your site. This can happen because of a misunderstanding of what a security feature does, a misconfiguration or –more rarely– a browser or server mangling the configuration you are submitting to Admin Tools. We understand that this leads to frustration and occasional panic as you have no idea what happened and how to fix it.
For this reason Admin Tools will automatically send you an email with troubleshooting instructions every time you take any administrative action which might result in getting locked out of your site or your site not working properly. These actions include applying the initial configuration with the Quick Setup Wizard, changing the Web Application Firewall configuration, applying administrator password protection or saving a new .htaccess, web.config or NginX configuration file through the relevant Admin Tools features.
The email explains what change took place and includes links to our troubleshooter documentation which can help you get your site back to a working state. Moreover, it has a reminder about getting support from us if all else fails.
The email is sent only to the email address recorded on the user account logged into Joomla who initiated this change. It is not sent to other Super Users, Administrators or, in general, any other email address. Also note that if you have set Receive system email to No in your Joomla! user profile you will not receive this email.
This option can be used to turn off this feature for all administrator users with access to Admin Tools, regardless of their Receive system email status. We recommend leaving this option enabled unless you are absolutely sure you know what you're doing and you're confident you can find your way to the troubleshooter documentation on your own.
It's possible to accidentally lock yourself out of the administrator area, especially when using the Exclusive Allow IP List or IP Disallow List options of the Web Application Firewall. The easiest way to work around this issue is using an FTP application or your hosting control panel's File Manager to rename a file.
Go inside the
directory on
your site. You will see a file named
. Rename it to
. This will turn disable
the Web Application Firewall from executing and you can access your
site's back-end again. After you have fixed the cause of your issue
remember to rename provider-disable.php
back to
, otherwise your site will remain