Auto Blocked IP Addresses

Auto Blocked IP Addresses

This page lists the automatic banning of repeat offenders. You will only see any records here if you have turned on the "IP blocking of repeat offenders" option in the Configure WAF page and there have been repeat offenders. For each auto-banned IP you can see the IP address being banned, the latest blocked request from this IP and until when this auto-ban will be in effect.

Please remember that this page only lists the automatic bans currently in effect. For a list of automatic IP bans which have been lifted please consult the "Auto IP Blocking History" page.


If you want to unblock someone who got their IP inadvertently blocked you will have to remove all records belonging to their IP address in FOUR (4) places: Site IP Disallow List, Blocked Requests Log, Auto IP Blocking Administration and Auto IP Blocking History. Alternatively, use the Unblock IP button in the Web Application Firewall control panel page in Admin Tools.