05 September 2023
On September 5th, 2023, we are releasing new versions of our software with Joomla! 5 support. Due to the number of changes, there are common release notes across these versions, detailed in this article.
25 August 2023
Joomla! is organising a Pizza, Bugs & Fun (PBF) event for fixing issues in Joomla! 5 on August 26th, 2023. We will be there and we have some updates for people who will be participating in the event.
20 November 2022
On Friday, November 18th, 2022 we were hit with a massive DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. We mitigated the bulk of the attack but there were a few minor issues as a result throughout Friday and Saturday.
17 April 2022
We are relaunching our site today, using Joomla 4 and Bootstrap 5. From your point of view you'll not not notice major differences except that it's faster, some pages are more polished and the subscription experience is easier and smoother for you.
29 March 2022
The Joomla 4.1.1 and 3.10.7 updates introduce a badly implemented feature called “Preferred authentication method” which locks people out of their sites.